It would be reasonable not to off-road here, indeed.
However so I apprehend the idea of opening such a wild field of philosophical salon in fear of technical difficulties to lead this discussion efficiently, as a newly registered member. I might be yet too inexperienced to host in good and due form such an evening ''literary mechanicals gentlemen and ladies book club"!
However, I reiterate my proposition to continue this discussion by MP, to anyone who is willing to share thoughts and ideas on the world with me.
seems like i could have a good discusion maybe :)
I live by the principle of this quote of Mahatma Ghandi :
" Be the change you want to see in the world "

There is many to be discussed about the roots of evil, the reasons that lead someone to become infected with hatred, and greed. In my opinions, all human beings are capable of love and it is the lack of communication that alienates us away from each other.
Many economical, political and social criterias can influence greatly the behavior of someone.
Should I blame a starving beggar for stealing me? Who am I to judge someone for desiring just as much as me to survive in this aggressive world ?
And, though I may understand that this struggle to survive is justified, I will not be afraid to defend myself.

I would not like to derail this thread with yet another philosophical discussion that, as interesting in terms of thought-sharing it may be, will only lead to further expansions.
So, If you desire to continue this conversation, then you may PM me, as I would be interested in hearing your ideas, and thoughts about the roots of the evil in our world.
You is a foreign **** me thinks
This is not my first post on LandyZone but I thought that I should introduce myself anyway.
I live in New Mexico, USA

It sure is hard to find parts here!
I am doing a Series 3 109 to 200 tdi conversion, that is, if I can ever get all of the parts that I need!
Who are these new Merkins I've missed?!! And one of them is being cheeky from the get go!!

Welcome to you fellow Yanks from Western Colorado.
Hi everyone, I'm from Montréal, Canada. I've just bought a disco 1, 1997 and I have two problem to solve. First is, I want to know from where can come the sound of grounding when I release the gaz pedal (power) it happen as soon as I reach about 15 miles per hour and higher. Somebody told me one of the bearing in the front differential and another one said the lose on the pinion. When I move the shaft left and right, it seem effectively to have a small backlash but the up and down moving on the shaft don't have any lose.
The other one is the brake. It looks that there is air in the oil brake because the pedal reach the floor to be able to brake enough. But the bleeding show nothing wrong. The pressure can not be built enough onless I pump a lot then the pressure built and stay for 2 or 3 secondes. I've change the master cylinder and the booster from another disco but nothing change. Can it be the proportionnal valve? Thank you everyone! :)
Welcome might I suggest you copy and paste that into the introduction section. Have a quick browse using the search function. Many things have been covered. Put a question in the disco section and all will be solved :)
Why are people so reluctant to put their location in their profile? Just think how much time would be saved by not having to answer requests for help/location of independent parts/etc with "what's your location?"

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