landie man

New Member
I have asked this before without any replies, so thought I'd put pics this time so people can see what I'm talking about. I was told this little white plastic dome thing with the terminal on top goes in where I have it in the picture, is this right? I've not seen any others in that place before. I'm sure it has something to do with my fuel solenoid, (it was on my garage floor when my engine arrived) as I have 2 connections to my solenoid, one is connected in its place, but the other is floating around. it only has a short lead, so must go to the solenoid somewhere.

I now know where to connect the solenoid too that was cut off on my harness now, but I have like I said 2 connections to my solenoid one brown/white wire, and one white wire. one is connected, and the other one is the floating wire. now do I join both wires together, (the brown/white one, and the white one, and connect them both to a wire that is live when the ignition is? and does the floating wire go on that plastic dome connector in the place I have put it?? I really cant see anywhere else it can go?:confused: Any help on this would be much appriciated. I've nearly finished my 200tdi conversion now, and this little problem is holding me back.:(

The pic below is what it looks like without that dome connector fitted.

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I also got hold of a discovery air filter. I know the flexi pipe bit goes to the turbo, but what if anything connects to the bigger diameter outlet? if something does connect to it, where does it connect too? (see pic below)
Also, if nothing goes to that, can I connect a snorkal to it later on? Thanks very much in advance for any help. this is the only things I'm stuck on now, I will soon have the engine running once I've sorted out this litle problem. Oh, how do you adjust the throttle cable? I tried turning that big plastic screw, but nothing seems to happen. Do I have to adjust it from the peddle end? As it looks far to open to me.

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somebodies buggered with injection pump ,dont need wiring up, yes you can connect snorke; there
Thanks for reply, but just to clarify, dont I need to put that dome connector in then? if not, what do I do with the connector it connects too? I do have another wire going to it, do I just leave it with the one wire connected? and leave that other wire not connected?

And until I get around to fitting a snorkal to the air filter, do I just leave it as it is with nothing connected to it?
the bigger diameter outlet is in fact the inlet, leave it like that but don't go too deep in water.
the bigger diameter outlet is in fact the inlet, leave it like that but don't go too deep in water.
Thanks for that. If it's the inlet, where would it connect too then? The smaller one with the hose goes to the turbo I know that. And It'll be fine once I connect a snorkal to it though wont it if I want to go in water? And I dont suppose you Have you any ideas where that plastic dome with the terminal on in my pic is meant to go if it doesnt go to the injection pump? :confused:
the air filter, as you say the long hose goes to the turbo, the little plastic bit sticking out goes to the cyclone breather...

the other end is the air intake, you can leave it like that or then connect a snorkel to it.
if you leave it like that, dont go in deep water, any water that gets sucked through that will soak your air filter and in some cases make its way to your turbo/engine..
sorry on the leccie connection, can't help, when it was on the disco there is an inlet out to the inner wing, just a thought was there an immobiliser on the original engine, maybe thats your second feed to the pump, just do what James says.
[JP];1710146 said:
the air filter, as you say the long hose goes to the turbo, the little plastic bit sticking out goes to the cyclone breather...

the other end is the air intake, you can leave it like that or then connect a snorkel to it.
if you leave it like that, dont go in deep water, any water that gets sucked through that will soak your air filter and in some cases make its way to your turbo/engine..
Right, thanks for clearing that up. :)
sorry on the leccie connection, can't help, when it was on the disco there is an inlet out to the inner wing, just a thought was there an immobiliser on the original engine, maybe thats your second feed to the pump, just do what James says.
I dont know if the original vehicle had an immobiliser. I really cant see where it goes. I have one connector going to the solenoid. So I'll just leave that other one floating and see what happens. If it starts ok I'll tape it off. if it doesnt I guess I'll have to get an expert to look at it. Thanks for the replies. :)

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