I was given mine by a dickminimanhead I used to work with, they used to call me pig 'cos I once said I wanted to jack work in and keep pigs, so this dickminimanhead turned it to "Grunt the ladies genitalia". Only it wasn't ladies genitalia at all, it was a much ruder word which rhymes with "grunt" and has the same letters in it apart from the first two which are replaced with a "c", which would make most of you go red about the ears cos you've all obviously lead very sheltered lives, and would complain bitterly. Any way he called me that cos he was jealous that I was his boss and he thought it would upset me being called such a rude word. But because I've been to the university of life I realise that it's only a word and can do no real harm, in fact it amused me so much I have become quite proud of it and coming from the person it came from I have taken it as a compliment.