I used to go on me Triumph, we got a police escort out of Scarborough a couple of times. Someone somewhere has a photo of me on my bike riding down North bay prom blathered in mod spit, ahhh them was the days.

Que Escort jokes.
the last time i had a piccy taken was about 10 years ago so there ain't much point in scannin that one in is there. you never know maybe one will appear next week
calm down chris ffs we dont need no poncy moderators telling us we cant say this and that, we just need mods to get rid of the **** advertisers
it has been said before by many, including accy and roy, that landyzonre is pretty much self moderating. personally i think if we end up with moderators warning people about untoward comments every five minutes and banning members it will be the start of the decline of landyzone. there are many that come on here for advice, both giving and receiving, but also the same members come on here for a laugh and joke.yes, sometimes the threads get a bit close to the bone but there is never any malicious comments and most of the insults are light hearted and between friends that have grown great friendships through this forum. i for one will not visit the site as often as i do if the site becomes heavily moderated and i'm sure there will be a fair few others that will feel the same. yes, i agree some of the threads need moderating but these are mainly the spam advertising idiots that attack forums trying to peddle their wares. this site has grown from nothing, created by a few good mates to bring a light relief forum without the stuffiness some forums appear to relish in. the main reason for this is the light heartedness of the site, and the easy going nature of the moderators we currently have. when i first joined landyzone, i made a comment that i found landyzone like a local off road club where members meet, diuscuss the serious things and take the **** out of each other, its that attribute that makes landyzone the success that it is today. lets keep landy zone as the social club that it is!
harruph!harruph! rhubarb! rhubarb! ad just like to add that moderators will turn LZ into another clone of every other forum on the net.
some people dunt like the fartin about like wot we got on here but they have a multitude of other sites that cater for the whoopsies and other sensitive souls.
yella disco said:
calm down chris ffs we dont need no poncy moderators telling us we cant say this and that, we just need mods to get rid of the **** advertisers

Hey yo Bloody wow....FFS :D
Its a joke......FFS
HELLO did you all see slob lose his rag.....FFS :eek:
like he does ffs.....
He he.... No just takin **** ya stupid gits....lmao..... :)
Right i am going to go sit in a corner and cry now........FFS...lmao..:rolleyes:

Get lost.....I am crying on my own in a corner......blub blub....:(

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