
New Member
where are the mods please?
can someone kick off this ****wit lorenzo4.

if you need someone to moderate for spam etc.. you can put my name down to help out.
we tend to ignore them ..........then they go away other wise someone has to spend time getting shot of them
they want people to answer their threads then they get your ip address then they moither the life out of you ;)
Major appologies for the problems at the moment people. We have moved to a new server recently and do seem to be getting inundated with arse bandits. I'm having problems sorting the problems (if that makes sense) and Roy is working in a place were the internet isn't (notingham i think its called) Please bare with us we are trying to get it sorted and we do apreciate your help and support. As some are aware we do plan to have more mods as the site is getting seriously busy for just 2 of us. It really is a case of finding time at the moment but i assure you its at the top of the "to-do"list

Cheers for your understanding
Regards Paul
give us a shout paul if u need any help.
im very puter savvy, and really quite sensible.
well most times anyroads.
Yeh I will be a mod aswell if needs be. Also paul the pics posting is not working and ya not answeing ya PMs.......:rolleyes:
accywingy said:
Major appologies for the problems at the moment people. We have moved to a new server recently and do seem to be getting inundated with arse bandits. I'm having problems sorting the problems (if that makes sense) and Roy is working in a place were the internet isn't (notingham i think its called) Please bare with us we are trying to get it sorted and we do apreciate your help and support. As some are aware we do plan to have more mods as the site is getting seriously busy for just 2 of us. It really is a case of finding time at the moment but i assure you its at the top of the "to-do"list

Cheers for your understanding
Regards Paul

ah you should have moved to one of my servers ;)
Yeh and scott110's servers host the internet aswell and and and all of it....lmao.......he he... All we need is some other Admin and mods. The site when I first came on it was well looked after by roy and paul but roy being a very long way away is not in reach of a phone line and paul (Accywingy ) has also been away working so the site has been taken over buy the misterons. But hey ho now paul is back he will get captain scarlet out and sort the bugs in the system.......he he... Thats right int it paul.....? :) :) :) :) :) :)
When i cant post my posts Ill moan about it..
so dont fret accy ...roy.. yer doin a grand job..

****ed agen:p
OK people things are happening. Photo uploads should be sorted now, Roy has managed to get on and get it sorted, As for the other stuff i'm hopeing to get home this weekend and have a discussion with Roy over copious ammounts of alcohol in our local pub about increasing mods etc thus keeping lame brain spammers to a minimum. As for answering P.M's i oppologise to those who i didn't reply to yet. Been really busy and i can only get on while i'm supposed to be working so it really is a case of do the essential then go look busy again. The joys of being employed for a living.....Note to self...win lottery ASAP...
It aint no secret and the Boars head in Accrington is already full of riff raff.... **** there goes me and my big mouth again!!!!

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