
Beer tester
LZIR Despatch Agent
**** take opertunity here:I cant get the sump drain plug outta my classic. What tools should i be using? Why is every fixing rusted/held on by the might of god but bits still fall off?:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
have you got a giant hex headed driver (allen key) on it with a length of conduit slid over the handle for extra leverage ?
I would say a trade size can of WD-40, a corect sized hex socket (Not the 12 sided ones) and the longest breaker bar you can find. I'd bray a smaller imperial socket onto the bolt but I'm a ****. :D
wen i had this happen ta me on me old 2door i gorrit up on sum ramps an used a 3foot pairra stilsons,an jumped on the fookers.
werked for me :D :D :D
I thin ramps are the next purchase, not enough room for me and all that swearing just under the stands.Big bar will probbaly follow that.....
Am struggling to get purchase with me spanners cos it is a stupid side drain and manifold is in the bloody way!
What size spanner do i need for this?

is it a square stub or hex socket ?

if it's a square stub and a ferk orf pair of stilsons and some heat wont budge it weld a bit of bar onto it and tap it as your heating the plug

if it's a hex socket make sure there's no crap in it first
Hex but is a side drain and the exhaust manifold is in the way for getting me sockets on it and spoke to the indie near me he said once draining get a peice of cardboard to direct the oil into a pan
take the sump off, discard it and buy a fresh new shiney one!! oh and get some sand ready for oil spills, wouldn't want to pollute the water course now!!!
So no answer on the sump plug size?Im looking to get the spanner and have another go the weekend
mine was well stuck on a while ago too, wouldn't budge with a spanner:mad: i decided to make meself a new tool, take the appropriate sized socket, i can't remember what it is off hand. cut it down in length with an angle grinder so that the socket is only around 10mm deep that will give you enough room to get it on so you can get a long bar on it to crack it off;)
Wheres the bottle jack go?:confused:

Simple, put the spanner on as if you were going to lift the spanner to undo the plug ( not pulling down to undo!!). Put the bottle jack under the spanner and use the jack instead of your hands. Do be careful though, make sure you are not too close in case it slips and jack SLOWLY. O.K.

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