
Well-Known Member
So after buying my 1st p38 a few years ago and then a D2 for the wife some time back the madness has returned it just won't go away..............
I go and buy an L322 for spares and repair which actually wasn't broken .........

Iv now gone and bought a D3 for the wife......:oops::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Time to get help??????? Or is it toooo late
I'm looking at an L322 now, just coz the baby seat will fit easier in one than our little pug 206 :)

Nearly put gel in my hair an started a Grindr profile to gain admittance to purchasing power of FL ownership :eek: came to my senses tho :D
I'm looking at an L322 now, just coz the baby seat will fit easier in one than our little pug 206 :)

Nearly put gel in my hair an started a Grindr profile to gain admittance to purchasing power of FL ownership :eek: came to my senses tho :D
Phew, that was too close for comfort.................gel? not laquer?
Yer obviously still int search of the ultimate vehicle if yer feel the need to keep buying another. Sell them all...

And buy a Freelander. :)

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