Ah, just read the rest of the thread.

Above all else, my Disco is my daily driver. i've wasted too much time and too much money to write it off. Now, thats not saying that I dont like to test the car and myself, but I dont do it like a ****.
From what I can see he made several mistakes,

He wasn't going too fast! He was going too fast at the end of the climb. He had sufficient momemtum he could have let off earlier (lighten his foot on the throttle) and that would have limited the kick up of the front end. It looks like he panicked and let off too much and dipped the clutch at the end and then either missed reverse, got 1st or he slipped off the clutch while in a forward gear and the weels trying to go forward kicked around sending him sideways and barrel rolled down.
From what I can see he made several mistakes,

He wasn't going too fast! He was going too fast at the end of the climb. He had sufficient momemtum he could have let off earlier (lighten his foot on the throttle) and that would have limited the kick up of the front end. It looks like he panicked and let off too much and dipped the clutch at the end and then either missed reverse, got 1st or he slipped off the clutch while in a forward gear and the weels trying to go forward kicked around sending him sideways and barrel rolled down.

think you must be looking at a different clip

the engine note stays the same right up until the nose is going backwards - at this point the only way he could of recovered would to have been to sprout wings

he was simply going to fast, the bounce he got when going over the step near the top was enough to send it nose high - still giving it the beans really sealed his fate

now if he'd have been going a lot lot faster .............

who knows
there's some good examples in this clip of how to tackle climbs like that

notice what's missing in the depender clip ? ... roll cage, multi point harness, massively torquey engine, supper grippy tyres, skid lids, a driver that can drive ....... etc etc

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EetUh57PV_I"]YouTube - 4x4 jeep sport iceland Formula Off-Road uphill[/ame]
woooo although i love my series wouldnt mind one of them they based of a jeep chassy then a big block chevy v8
thing is if (like me you'd only seen these sort of clips you could be forgiven for thinking that the only way up a hill is give it welly and hope for the best.. hence me asking earlier how it shoudl be done... the gung ho attitude is what makes us go out there and do stuff a lot of people would be scared to do so you can see why accidents happen... but forewarned is forearmed and i think this thread's taught me enough... not to attempt a climb till I have a roll cage lol
thing is if (like me you'd only seen these sort of clips you could be forgiven for thinking that the only way up a hill is give it welly and hope for the best.. hence me asking earlier how it shoudl be done... the gung ho attitude is what makes us go out there and do stuff a lot of people would be scared to do so you can see why accidents happen... but forewarned is forearmed and i think this thread's taught me enough... not to attempt a climb till I have a roll cage lol

that's exactly what the bloke in the red depender thought - he even reversed back a bit to get a better run up - and it was full throttle untill the nose was starting to point backwards - game over

least he had a nice summer project of rebuilding it
I thought he did a real good job of getting up the hill. But boy did he **** up on the way back down :lol:

Yep its definitely a leg guys
slooooooooooooooooooowly inch by inch ...........

the previous bloke who tried it backwards wasnt far off either - frontwards you have the weight of the engine all too ready to turn you turtle, and backwards if easy to steer out of it

But, weight transfer would mean no grip on the back wheels (particularly with his lack of back body) so effectively 2WD
Limited choice of gears (always climb in highest practical gear)
He had directional tyres.

Back to the 90, I doubt he would have made it without momentum, but the idea is to lift off as you reach the top, the front wheels should never become airborne as you go over the top.
driving tuition is a better investment than mega tyres also common sense and forethought works good too, walk the line you intend to take, find out where the bumps and dips are where the ruts are, plan an alternative rout and plan an escape rout weather it be a failed hill climb or whatever

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