Watching a set of wheels on Ebay, can anyone tell me if the wheels off a Freelander 2 will fit my y reg 2001 TD4.
have yu tried searching on this forum before asking - i think its bin covered a gazillion times.
Aye allright smarty pants!, it would have been easier for you just tae answer the question concisely, 'if you knew', instead of trying to spell gazillion, that must have burnt ye oot.
Yer twit Daft yer shud have told him bout me font of all knowledge. Mind yu He would probably have asked yer to post the link to it anyways. Lazy fookers these noobies.
Sounds as though 'Pikey' mans the 'Champion of ****e'. I hope ye get there quick. His head fills the shed thats why he cannae get his 'fookin' Landrover in.
i think its just best to let him stu. He will either find it, slag orf LZ as bein a bunch of useless bastids or bugger orf to ORRP;)
Aye you have just proved my point, theres no 'Fookin' much under that hat.

And your so ****ing thick you can't see an answer when it's given to you. You arrogant cocksucking coont. you obviously got your genes from the shallow end of the pool. and someone had just ****ed in it.

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