hi jodsclass, before you try anything else why not get a pair of known good balanced wheels and fit to your fronts ,go for a drive, still wobbles,youl know its not your wheels/tyres,no wobbles then you have your answer. must say though i have same prob with my td4, at around 70mph,my indipendent lr chap said it sounds like worn cv joints. hope this helps,keep us updated .tim.
I did have the CV joints checked and they said they appeared to be fine. Will take it in and ask them to double check them (or if I don't have time I'll check them myself when back in Manchester).
Other than what you've been told above how about gear box mounts? Does the gear stick jump (but not out of gear)when you lift off the throttle?

Sorry to jump a thread, but mine does this with the gearstick. also a fading in and out vibration through the steering at speeds above 65mph. Are you suggesting the box mounts are on the way out?

Could be, although there will always be a bit of compliance but if it's more than obvious it's always worth further investigation.

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