
New Member
Hi All

I've have recently noticed (after the recent hot spell) that my Freelander has started to squeak...The noise is intermittent and is coming from the driver side front wheel. I have noticed that it only squeaks when: a) it is dry or b) going up a very steep hill.

For example this morning i drove approx 20 miles, it was damp when i started and there was no squeak. 20 miles or so later the squeak begins. It begins to lightly rain, squeak disappears. Drive up hill home squeak begins.

I had a quick word with a guy from local ATS whom suggested that its probably brake dust and that its quite common. Needs a good clean out!

Can anyone else suggest another possible cause / confirm the ATS theory?

Thanks in advance!
Yep a good clean wont take ya long,wear a good dust mask ,and dont get yer brake bits contaminated with oil/grease on yer front disc's can also check wear of yer pads ,and also look ta see if you have the common ridge on the outer edge of yer disc's if ya have file it orft as this often causes the annoying brake squeel,best oh luck. . . .:)
ming said:
Yep a good clean wont take ya long,wear a good dust mask ,and dont get yer brake bits contaminated with oil/grease on yer front disc's can also check wear of yer pads ,and also look ta see if you have the common ridge on the outer edge of yer disc's if ya have file it orft as this often causes the annoying brake squeel,best oh luck. . . .:)
cheers for this ming. Would the excess brake dust cause the wheel to squeak when not applying the brakes?
I had this exact problem :mad: - once warmed up I would get "squeak squeak squeak..." especially on left hand turns. I stripped the calipers, cleaned everything up and the noise went...for a week then..."squeak squeak squeak". The noise would stop if i so much as touched the brake pedal. I posted a thread called squeak flaming squeak or something a while back. In desperation I changed tha pads - jobs a good'un!:D
Yeah. Sounds exactly the same. In the wet - silent. In the dry it would be silent from cold until the brakes warmed up and then it would get gradually worse the hotter they got to the piont where pedestrians were turning round to look as I approached!! I feared the wheel bearing but a good wobble of the wheel showed all was fine. The pads seemed fine and the disks are mint so I have just put it down to voodoo.:confused: Do you know what pads you have fitted? May be a "feature" of a particular brand.:D
This time it is a noise coming from the front nearside wheel arch area, more like a creak than a squeak, which is only apparent on rough or uneven road surfaces. I don't think it is suspension or other mechanical component, since it cannot be replicated by bouncing down on the wing or rocking the car. As you are probably aware, the wheel arches have plastic/rubber external shrouds that extend into and around the front of the arch. It sounds to me as if it could be these rubbing against each other when the car oscillates with the road surface. I have had a good look round underneath and there seems to be a number of potential friction points where the various section overlap or are fixed together, but of course I have not been able to produce the noise with the vehicle stationary. The vehicle is in exceptional general condition, but this noise is driving me to distraction. Is this a common problem on the Freelander and do you have any suggestions about where to look and how to locate and rectify the fault?
Wd40 is your friend when identifying noises ;)
Start by spraying it onto the spring seats as these often creak.
But if that doesn't stop it try the various suspension bushes in turn.

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