
New Member
I know John Craddocks sell wheels in "ANY" colour, Im looking for a set of Modular wheels in orange, so, anyone know of anywhere else that does these wheels in different colours and will deliver to the UK, cheers all xD

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they are only basic steel wheels buy them in white and paint them your self! or if you wan't a professional finish take them to any body shop and have them sprayed it won't cost that much
Or go down to a local paint supplier and ask them to get you some aerosol cans of RAL 3024 or 3026 ;)
they are only basic steel wheels buy them in white and paint them your self! or if you wan't a professional finish take them to any body shop and have them sprayed it won't cost that much

If you spray them yourself, well worth applying a spray lacquer as well - makes them slightly more stone chip resistant!
I sprayed my standard steels before the bad winter weather but the paint is knackered again, would the laquer stop the paint lifting too?
would the laquer stop the paint lifting too?

It should certainly help - sprayed and lacquered mine in Feb - take it along a 1 mile gravel path to the stables 3 times a week and the wheels have survived that.

Before spraying I cleaned up the wheels with a drill wire brush attachment, applied kurust where needed, primed to give a good key and then sprayed and lacquered.

Advice is to allow the top coat to harden (24 hours) before applying the lacquer.

Accept not the same as off roading - for now was a cheap and relatively labour easy solution to rusty wheels! My view os I can now easily touch up if required.

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