
Active Member
Hi All , How do you use the plastic rivets that hold on the wheel arches ? I tried putting them on today but they just fall back out again . What do I need to do ?
Could be like mine, the holes in the wing have enlarged so are too big for the rivets. I intend to drill new holes when I get round to it, I've used cable ties for now.
If you don't have the middle pins, I have found a red rawl plug fits snugly with a little persuasion
I got some off ebay and they were too big for the holes so after me doing much bashing with a hammer to not much avail, @ngserv came along with the drill n made the holes slightly bigger :)
Could be like mine, the holes in the wing have enlarged so are too big for the rivets. I intend to drill new holes when I get round to it, I've used cable ties for now.

Can you put a washer on the back of the hole? Bit like you can do with normal rivets
No, you put the rivet in with the pin sticking out as shown, then you puch the pin in flush which enlarges the flaps on the rivet to hold it in place.
You know what , I tried that but no way would they budge . I broke the pin off and turned it around it would then push through , so problem solved . Thanks for all your replies .
You know what , I tried that but no way would they budge . I broke the pin off and turned it around it would then push through , so problem solved . Thanks for all your replies .
If they are new then yes, they are molded as one piece, a well executed tickle with a hammer usually sorts it. As long as you got your parts on, that's all that matters!

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