
New Member
i went through a ditch hit either my diff or my steering thingy and afterwards, i had to hold my sterring wheel to the right to make it go straight...how do i realign my wheels??
you need a tracking gauge to do this, might be best to let the garage do it.
better get under there and have a good look round, sounds like youve done something a bit more serious, maybe.
not maybe !!! just having a guess here but i bet you've bent the steering tie rod or worst,maybe the foo foo valve separator piston ring that conect the doo hicky to the thingiemabob
are you sure about this?? any place i 've had tyres fitted will re-balance the wheels. some times you have to ask but i ain't never heard of any that check alignment. even in Ca and Nv they only did balance.
nar mate when you buy new tire's you dont get your wheels aligned they get balenced.

you need to get your tracking done ( mines going to get done today ) not very expensive at all. but i think you may have bent something there.
i know the guy whos gonna be putting the wheels on, and i told him about my problem, and he said hell realign them for free
Seriously chap, have a shufty yourself & get yer man to have a good look. It does sound like you've bent a bit.........Pardon the expression!
there is no way it will be out unless something is bent,worn,or new. and if it started after you ****ed a bitch ..oophs i meant ditch, then guess which one it wiil be... yer alignment can't just go 'out' it need to be put out.
Look lads dont even bother to re align ya bloody wheels were talking tractor here, so if it turns to the right ,so what ,ya might find a piggy farm and some juicy porkys, lick lick, oink oink ,sling:p
you can check you tracking by measuring from the centre of the tyre tred in front of the wheel and then at the same hight from the ground at the back of the front wheel the distance should be the same plus or minus 1to 3 mm
blackbob said:
you can check you tracking by measuring from the centre of the tyre tred in front of the wheel and then at the same hight from the ground at the back of the front wheel the distance should be the same plus or minus 1to 3 mm
mmmmm! the only way this crude method would have of being accurate would be if your wheels were pointing straight ahead and you could be sure that both the wheels and the tyres are truly round. and if you have hit something hard enough to damage the steering/suspension then there is a good chance that one or both of your froint wheel are out of true. there are more accurate ways of measuring yer toe-in
well oh great dumb one.
you can make yer self a tracking gauge. get a length of pipe about 1/2 dia slightly shorter than the distance between yer wheels. weld or braze a nut on each end of it"assuming you don't got no taps" put a bolt into each nut.

then park yer landy on flat level ground making sure yer wheels are pointing straight ahead ( normally you would just let it come to rest without using brakes or steering. but as yours is shafted i'd use the steering wheel to keep it straight) now measure at the front edge of the wheel rims, half way up yer wheel. using yer gauge, screw one or other of the bolts out/in until the two bolt heads are touching the wheels .
measure the length of yer gauge.
now push yer landy forward one half turn of the road wheel. so that the bit of the wheels that was to the rear is now at the front. and repeat the measuring at the back of the wheel.
the difference in the two lengths is yer toe-in or toe-out.

i hope this isn't one of these posting where the gaps disappear

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