aye yer rite ..... i never spotted that ......

still it dont bovver me coz i'm all man ....:cool:
Hoik phut (spits in the sawdust) - how's the family??? Fancy a pint?? hoik....phut
D'ya see the rugby the oither day??? hoik phut??? Ceegar??? Ere, have a gauloises?
Hoik phut (spits in the sawdust) - how's the family??? Fancy a pint?? hoik....phut
D'ya see the rugby the oither day??? hoik phut??? Ceegar??? Ere, have a gauloises?

yeh man dood .... i watchded da boxin anrol ..... fumped his head in he did ......
Mines called Colander, the girls named it, as like a lot of landys it leaks. We seem to get our fair share of rainfall in this backwater.:)
Colander ! I like it, ignore all these girly men who don't admit they secretly love there landies, I bet they stick arms out of window and pat the door everytime they get home without breakin down :D

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