New Member
Just completed fitting the Arnott kit :) and all working well.

Just re-calibrateing the ride height at each profile; my current setting were p1ssed as a fart and all over the show!

I've ended up with the following ride heigths.

These are measured from the top of the wheel hub center to the wheel arch. I also have 19" wheels on the car which is a '97 4.6 HSE....


49 49 50.5 50.5 High
44 44 45 45 Standard
42 42 43.5 43.5 Low

The Rear Right (RR) setting on the EAS Unlock Suite had to be set 8 points lower than the RL to get the same physical measurment on the car.

I have nothing to compare these figures to - so just wondering what's everybody elses figures look like?

Also need I be worried about the different setting required to get the same ride height on the rear - or cos everythings working fret not?

Anyway - chuffed to bits everything seems to be working. Will see what difference it makes to the tarmac ride on route home this evening (Devon back to London):D

The readings will be Different on the EAS software due to different readings from the ride height sensors, they are not very accurate. If they were precison sensors it would not be necessary to calibrate.

All that matters is that you end up with the ride heights physically correct at each corner.
Which arnotts have you fitted? the genII or the genIII? i need new bags but i can't decide what to do, i've been amazed how well the dunlops that i have on now perform but am very tempted to go the arnott route... anyway, sorry to sortof change the subject! I've never measured mine, i'll go and do it in a bit
I fitted the GenII.

There's a thread earlier where I asked the question (Anyone fit Arnott?)

My take on the responses was if you do a lot of off roading then go for the III... If you are going to be on the tarmac with occasional greenlaning / off roading then the II's are fine and a fair bit cheaper!

Like I say, I'm driving back to London this evening so will get a better feel of how they compare to the dunlops...

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