
Well-Known Member
Right this has bothered me since a wasted journey i undertook where my landy absolutely guzzled biodiesel.

Basically i covered (and excuse rounding of figures, my cat ****ed on the paper id written everything down on) approx 270 miles which consumed 60 litres of biodiesel. This was mostly motorway driving and i seem to recall it worked out at an abysmal 20.5mpg. Driving back up and when my tank was almost totally empty i filled up with 20 quids worth of normal diesel, approx 14.5 litres. This did me for the 76.0 miles back home and worked out at about 24.5mpg. Not exactly a comprehensive test but i think i worked out before that i was, on average, getting between 23-24mpg in my normal (mostly motorway) daily use.

Surely it cant all be that bad. Ive got a 1987 90 with a disco 200tdi put in but drive it properly and try to save fuel wherever i can.

Whats everyone elses MPGs, upto TD5 and for 90s and 110s. Not interested in those new fangled Puma engines. I wouldnt mind comparing to see what kind of results people come up with.
my 96 110 CSW running a 300tdi on Biodeisel is getting about 30mpg round town, 28mpg towing me caravan, 33(ish) on a steady run.
I usually average about 30mg to a tank, mixed use, with some laning thrown in as well.
If you're cruising at over 60 mph mpg will drop - aerodynamics of a house brick;)

Oi love moi brick! And i wouldnt have it any other way ;).

Nah just anything else ive seen, including the above, seems to suggest that other peoples mpg is far better than what im currently sitting at. The journeys i do tend to be mixed between town and motorway but surely i should be getting better than 23-24mpg.
I drive an 1986 n\a 2.5 Diesel, on a recent trip from Ross on Wye to Stourport and back at a steady 55 mph, I got 30 mpg, the same sort of figures last weekend when I went to Chipping Camden, a bit slow up fish hill had to find some low gears.
300Tdi 1995 CSW
Use mine for work and I've noticed I'm filling up more.
at the mo it works out about 22mpg - last time i checked it was about 30.
It sort of creeps up on you.

I do have a loose valve clearance???
Maybe a service.

One thing I've have always wondered is. I the turbo supposed to kick in at about 2500rpm
surely if it was earlier I would use less fuel as more air going in - Just a thought!
My turbo kicks in about 2-2.5k but no, if there is more air going in, there is more fuel going in. I notice I use far les fuel when I change gear before the turbo kicks in, very slow I no, but just leave a few mins earlier :)
My turbo kicks in about 2-2.5k but no, if there is more air going in, there is more fuel going in. I notice I use far les fuel when I change gear before the turbo kicks in, very slow I no, but just leave a few mins earlier :)

But you can get the heater on quicker if you get the turbo to blow :D
Dont forget that tyre diameter will play a part, if you got small tyres then your going to be giving it more stick when it comes to higher speed.

And obviously, bigger means less stick blah blah blah, hope people can see where im going with this.

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