Its got that kinda hard as f*** look in a friendly to landy lovers kind of way...Personally I hope he buys it! or someting similar as wanted one from boys age so reckon he deserves it, am sure his wife will also thinks its damn cool...his lad does! :)
I think swapping the engine to something japanese is pretty common abroad. Could it be that its upgrading from a 2.5 but tdi's are less common out there?
I just got back from NZ and saw 6 different fenders and all bar one had an Isuzu engine in. I wonder if it was a foreign market thing
I don't *think* it's a Perentie as I understand, it looks too narrow and 'soft' unless I'm thinking of the LRP Perenties that the aussie SF use...

I may well be wrong though. ;)

I dont know either to be honest just was wondering
Well sent me mate off to the airport for his trek back to NZ with a donated Land Rover monthly mag to give some food for thought, he loves our 110 ex mod but reckon to get it past his missus he will get a Landy with more wind up windows, easily pleased!
Just a matter of time now he has rekindled that LR passion from his childhood :)

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