
New Member
After 6 almost trouble free years decided that my 1996 300TDI hard top was due a little tlc.

She is going to get a roof and chassis. Prior to the roof change I took off the head cloth and found a battery screwed into the roof above the door connected to a box(?) stuck onto the roof with adhesive. A wire comes up from the dash through the box thing then to the battery from which a wire goes back down.
Can any body tell me what this is and can I just take the boxes off and cut the wire?
Appreciate any advice. Piccies attached. Lead top right is curtesy light.



Just had a look - box on roof doesnt have any writing - battery above door says it is a lead free acid battery. Just noticed (after 6 years!! lol) on passenger door a little sticker saying "protected by Phillips car system security"

No ticking noise when I shook it so don't think it was a bomb - need to watch that I cut correct wire tho;) .

Doubt if the Feds would put a bug in a Landy - wouldnt be able to hear anything for the rattles!

If it is a tracker where does the wiring go/come from under the dash ?

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