Just went and had a look and couldn't see a thing!:doh::D
IF ah remember, ah'll have a look the morn when it's light;):D

Awww bollix!! Ah totally furgot:doh::doh::doh: Got way laid with some other stuff and had to go out! Ah'll have a look the morn;)
On a 110 i,m not sure wheather it should be connected or not. However on a 90 its normal for it not be connected as landrover used the same wiring loom on the 90 as the 110 but the rear section of the 110 loom pluged into this connector that all the 90 owners are seeing and then went to the rear lights etc. Hope this makes sense!!:confused:
Thanks everyone, strange thing is that all my lights are working perfectly. I followed the wire back to a loom that went to the fuel tank. Might tape it up to protect it incase I discover its use at a later date

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