As per title can someone identify this connector.
Thanks in advance.
There's only panel/instrument illumination in that connector -

2002MY - C0093 - Headlamp Levelling.jpg

(the above diagram shows the connector 'face')

Cavity 2 - UY (Blue/Yellow) is the control wire to the levelling motors (see note below)

Cavity 3 - B (Black) is earth (for the switch's illumination)

Cavity 4 - RO (Red/Orange) is the switch's power feed (from the lighting circuit)

Cavity 5 - RO (Red/Orange) is the switch's illumination feed (from the lighting circuit)

The UY wire is of no use for anything else - unless you want to fit LED spotlamps.

The UY wire from this switch splits at header C0288 and goes to each headlamp.

As it is only 1.0mm² cable, it's too small for Halogen spotlamps, but would be fine for LEDs.

I have mating male connectors for the levelling motor connectors, that could be used to pickup live and earth.

The RO wires in cavities 4 and 5 both go back to a common source (header C0290)

So, the only useable circuits in that header are the earth and illuminations in cavities 3, 4 and 5 (all on 1.0mm² cable)

If you want to use it without cutting the wires, I can supply a mating male connector.

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Thanks. I've got access to connectors but thank you anyway. I'm adding spot lights and strobes front and rear using buddy mucker switches so the earth and illumination will be perfect for that.

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