
New Member
Evening all,

Just bought an ex-MOD 1985 110. This is our first venture into Land Rover territory because it's the first time we could afford to do so and we're truly excited. The kids (9 and 11) love it and it accommodates the climbing/camping and kayaking kit in a way that we've previously really struggled with. The kids only love it, I believe I have bonded with it in a manner akin to that alluded to in high brow philosophy ...... Unsurprisingly, I've a long list of questions, e.g. fitting new barrels (front door keys!), direction of brake bleeding (acceptable in the 80s), what would my mother think? (no, let's not go there....) which, needless to say I shall darken relevant forums with in due course.... Thanks for a great site - already learned a lot in a very short time...

all the best
Welcome to the forum bud, depending upon how much you love it consider beefing up the security of your tratter, plenty of advice in the stolen section and any other questions ask away in the tratter section
Firstly, Hi and Welcome aboard!:)

Second, as above, post #3 get your security sorted yesterday. Or sooner:D

Third: pics or it didn't happen ( them's the rules on 'ere, them is :p......:D)

Another vote for security first. Needless to say if they really really want it, a HIAB and bulldozer will help them get it, but certainly make life as difficult as possible. GPS trackers and home CCTV are relatively cheap for when/if physical security fails. Even an old laptop with webcam and movement detection software can be of use.

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