I know I'll get flamed for this on here but I'd question whether or not you really need a Landy for commuting?

If it were me, I'd buy an old generic diesel car to run into the ground for a couple of hundred quid, it'll be a damn sight more comfortable and quiet, and when it becomes uneconomical to repair, scrap it and get another!

But that's just the sensible answer really. I'm not knocking anyone who does commute in their Landy, but if you're buying something purely to get to work in then it doesn't seem too sensible.......

UNBELIEVER!!!! BURN 'IM....Well yeah yer right really
My 109 drives very nicely with a 200Di......lovely motor without all the faffing of trying to squeze in a turbo that your halfshafts will hate you for
My 109 drives very nicely with a 200Di......lovely motor without all the faffing of trying to squeze in a turbo that your halfshafts will hate you for

how does it love you for having a heavily coked up engine there designed to be ran with a turbo, without they just coke up too hell, ive seen it :/
how does it love you for having a heavily coked up engine there designed to be ran with a turbo, without they just coke up too hell, ive seen it :/

Dunno mate, got one in my 88, been in there for 3 years and not had any problem. She was my daily drive for most of that but using the 109 mostly now. I love the 200's and with or without the turbo I reckon they're the best all round daily use lump that ever got bunged in a Landy.
Course if your putting a tdi into a series you can always upgrade shafts/brakes etc and have a few mates that have done so as various bits gave up under the strain over time.....no big problem....its just if you factor that in to the original engine swop its starts to look a little more expensive and time consuming.
The 200Di will run cool which might add to coking but swopped the viscous for lecky on mine which helps.....dont think its ever come on except when towing up a long drag
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Hi, OK I think this will open the old thread up again ?

I still have the 109 and its still running with the prima engine. All good news but it gets better! My place of work has moved... CLOSER !!!!

So the option of spending a few quid on the landy and using it as a daily drive is back on the cards.

So a question for “blue beasty” how dose your engine setup differ to a ex military 2.5 NA diesel and what is she like on motorway driving?
I still don't have a garage so is there a place in kent that would do a engine swap like this?

Thanks Andy
Hi, OK I think this will open the old thread up again ?

I still have the 109 and its still running with the prima engine. All good news but it gets better! My place of work has moved... CLOSER !!!!

So the option of spending a few quid on the landy and using it as a daily drive is back on the cards.

So a question for “blue beasty” how dose your engine setup differ to a ex military 2.5 NA diesel and what is she like on motorway driving?
I still don't have a garage so is there a place in kent that would do a engine swap like this?

Thanks Andy

His engine setup wont be much different, the difference being that the 2.5N/A is indirect injection and the 200Di is direct injection. Direct injection engines are louder I believe but they are more powerful and more economical than indirect.
Go for a RRC, much more comfortable and not as gay as a gaylander. If you want reliability go for a diesel variant or the 3.5efi ;)

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