thats an lt77 which is different from r380 ,r380 once seal collar is removed doesnt need special pullers to strip ,though air or battery gun make remove 5th l/s gear easier
converting an lt77 takes more than just a quadrant and shaft the whole extention housing is different as well as 5th gear synchro hub and pivot bracket ,shaft,yoke etc making a conversion spigot would be easier for diy
Thanks James, did notice they were different inside but just assumed it was differences in age of boxes.
will give the spigot route a try. The extensions looked the same on the top so iassume if i get the quadrant in the right place the deffy selector housing should fit ok.
top extension housings are the same between lt77 and r380 bar the reverse plunger on lt77 which can be removed as not needed on r380, it was the rear extension housing (were 5th gear is )on lt77 which differe between disco and defender while on r380 they are the same

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