
Well-Known Member
i use plus gas but only because someone told me once it's pretty good.

Are the all the same?

Read somewhere diesel is as good as any.
I use Plus Gas, but seen a load of YouTube videos which swear by a 50/50 mix of Acetone and ATF. Decided I will give it a try next time to see how it compares.
I used to use plusgas, but can never find it in motorfactors shops these days. I started using duck-oil instead. a mate swears by it.
I used to use plusgas, but can never find it in motorfactors shops these days. I started using duck-oil instead. a mate swears by it.
If you have an agricultural supplies place nearby they might have it there. I could tell you where to get it in Bury St Edmunds or Sudbury, but that's a long way from Berkshire!
Although the old style terrestrial shops often have a limited range, all the old favourites are available online. Duck oil, GT85, Plusgas, 3 in 1, as well as the ubiquitous WD40. I bought one of each a couple of years ago to try them out. I think I'm finding Plusgas marginally better. 3 in 1 can be a bit sticky and actually increase friction in some circumstances. If you put it on a brass woodscrew and screw it into a block of wood it's very easy to snap the screw. I'm a bit disappointed with Loctite Freeze and Release which is quite expensive but doesn't seem to have any practical advantage over normal stuff when I've tried it.

I've also found Dinitrol can work wonders. Things that have got the thin and runny ML3125 on them have been surprisingly easy to undo, no matter how corroded they seem. I suppose what's needed is some sort of solvent and some sort of light oil, so mixtures of paraffin and thinners, diesel and acetone etc. are probably just as good.
Plusgas or Eez-it are the best. Though Eez-it is hard to find these days. Loads of Plusgas on eBay but the prices are bloody ridiculous. Good garage factors should all carry it.
Plusgas or Eez-it are the best. Though Eez-it is hard to find these days. Loads of Plusgas on eBay but the prices are bloody ridiculous. Good garage factors should all carry it.

they should, but most only stock WD and 3-in-1 nowadays sadly. I've tried them all over the country as we've moved around... stafforshire, leicestershire, hampshire, berkshire...
they should, but most only stock WD and 3-in-1 nowadays sadly. I've tried them all over the country as we've moved around... stafforshire, leicestershire, hampshire, berkshire...

WD40 do a penetrating oil WD40 in the blue tin is not it though as many believe. Eg Listing Ads-_-Sales Tracking-_-sales tracking url&cm_mmc=Google-_-Shopping - Auto and Cleaning-_-Shopping - Auto and Cleaning&gclid=CJe49MjT_ssCFUKZGwod9xYIcA Halfrauds do the WD penetrating oil if you have a trade card you will get a few pence off it.
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Acetone and EP90 50/50. 1989 110 back axle, never been off, soaked the bolts overnight and they came out as if they'd been nipped up five minutes previously. The Acetone evaporates out leaving thick oil behind, which is just what you want. It's cheaper than any of the others too.
I used to use plusgas, but can never find it in motorfactors shops these days. I started using duck-oil instead. a mate swears by it.

+ 1
When I worked in the transport industry the fitters always used it in the workshops - very handy for filling your squirty bottle :rolleyes:
Plusgas is £4.99 on Amazon. Not cheap but not as bad as the £9.99 it seems to be advertised at on Ebay. I see there are a lot of things I haven't tried, like Pocket Rocket and Crack-It too. I think when my current stock of aerosols runs out I'll use a solvent and oil mix in a cheap spray bottle.
Plusgas is £4.99 on Amazon. Not cheap but not as bad as the £9.99 it seems to be advertised at on Ebay. I see there are a lot of things I haven't tried, like Pocket Rocket and Crack-It too. I think when my current stock of aerosols runs out I'll use a solvent and oil mix in a cheap spray bottle.

Putting Acetone in a cheap spray bottle may give some interesting results. Acetone just loves plastic. :D:D

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