You lot will have the whole engine stripped down at this rate

Well if you are thinking of following advice best buy an engine crane while your at it :oops:.

Normal firing order 1-3-4-2, so as 3 has just fired and is on its exhaust stroke and 4 fires it goes out number 3 exhaust port making the "chuffing" sound you heard.

That's my theory anyway;).

But in all seriousness, check all you can while you are in this far. Nothing worse than something different going wrong that you could have easily got to at this point. Including replacement of "consumables" even if they are not due but you have removed it.

Bloke in video was unlucky, yes best to check shells as said and also remove the cam sliders and rollers to check, as these can sometimes get flats on them adding to tappety noise , keep them in order and the correct way with the same dimples sided as removed (one big one smaller dimple on rollers)
All done and running nice and quietly, well as quiet as these get. Just got to take it for a gentle run, then re check head bolt torque and tappets, top up water if needed and it's back to normal. Unlike the garage which despite the clean and put tools back as they're used intention is now covered in tools rags and old gaskets/seals. And I need to clean up the puddle of oil in the corner caused by not noticing I'd knocked the air filter over.

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