
New Member
Hi guys I'm new to the forum and have a couple of cherished Landy's (one old, one new) that I love t bits.

The reason for this post is that I've recently started having a problem with my 110 200Tdi that is perplexing me to the extreme and wondered if any of you Landy gurus could point me in the right direction .... or even directions !!!

The Defender has always been 110% reliable but just recently I've started to get a problem whereby I can be driving along quite happily and suddenly all power disappears with some mild judders to a point where I have to pull over and switch off. Sometimes after a minute or so I restart and everything is fine other times I end up opening the bonnet, removing the fuel filter and emptying it, turning the ignition tith no filter, putting the filter back on and everything is fine for another 100 or so miles.

Now my initial feeling was a gummy fuel filter ... so I replaced that with no luck. Then I replaced the lift pump, once again no luck and finally (at the suggestion of another Landy friend) changed the fuel filler cap.

My mechanical knowledge beyond this is fairly limited and I'm just wondering whether anyone has any suggestions as to where next. When it's running I'm not seeing any power missing, starts first time every time and still sits happily at 70 on the righ roads.

Just at the point where I'm head scratching now .... any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Been reading a large number of posts ont he site and it's amazing what you learn !! Looking forward to contributing and helping where I can.
It does sound like a fuel starvation problem, 200 is a bit before my time bit if the fuel system is the same as the 300 (someone may be able to correct me on this) then there should be a sedimenter bowl underneath at the back near the tank, take this off and clean it out, if theres a lot of crap in there then i'd suggest having a look in the tank, could be your fuel pick up is intermittantly becomming blocked due to excess sediment in the tank.
ahhh ... cheers for that Clutch - something taht should be within my limits to have a look at. I'm guessing (as you mentioned) that it's a fuel starve thing but it's such a big ol'subject that I'm after some pointers as to where next. The thing that has been confusing me is how when I remove the fuel filter and let fuel through it seems to be fine for a while ... and the filter is always full of fuel when I remove it. Planning some longer jaunts in the old thing this spring and don't want to set off until I can get this probby cracked. Cheers for the pointer buddy ... much appreciated. :eek:

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