Ok quick update car is now sold and after reading the various posts on this thread I am pleased to say you were all (well most of you were ) vastly underestimating the resale value of the humble freelander.:D
I'm pleased you managed to shift it Rock, also that you got what you wanted for it, now as Hatters sez, how much didya get for it?
sold it for two grand mate so as you can imagine after weeks of no interest to actually have flogged it for a decent price is a relief ..... I'm well happy.:D
how duz ya feel now then, Cashew?
Public face hatters, £2k minus 2x £95 for the front window regulators, minus £250 quoted for the sunroof rails, minus £50 for the rear door handle makes £1510 if me maths is right. 168k miles on R310, say coupla hundred for that, £1300's not far off...:eek:

Yeah right...:mad:
Just an update my freelander is now currently enjoying its new life In Poland seems to be that this is where the old freelanders go to live out the rest of their lives. The guy I sold it to has taken 18 Freelanders out there in the last 5 months as the Polish drivers just can't get enough of them so I guess the moral is if you wanna flog your freelander for decentish money flog it to a nice polish guy from Birmingham:D .

Well its been fun (mostly) following the various threads on here and I have had/read some very good advice on these forums ( although I ignored the petrol/match advice lol) but as my Freelander owning days are over I guess I'll be moving along. So you all take things nice and easy and enjoy your Freelanders I know I enjoyed mine:).

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