
New Member
Hi folks it's been a while since i last paid a visit to this forum....
however my 52 plate landrover freelander ES TD4 72000 miles on the clock has just been written off by my insurance company the assesor tells me there is at least 4K's worth of damage

can any one advise me as to what kind of money i will get of my insurance company so i can start looking for a replacement
thanks in advance
Don't know about you, but I constantly have an ad at the bottom of the page showing the valuation tool from AutoTrader.

If you don't see it, click here.
I don't think they will offer you the true value of your Landy

As said before you probably do best to refuse the first figure.
My brother in law did it recently when his car was wrote of and ended up near to what he wanted
tell them you have looked after it like you should, services ect.then tell them you really loved that car
sorry to be the bearer of bad news but from my experience the bottom book value unless you can prove you looked after it like you mum, there not in it to loose money mate they have all them private investors to please:(
Personally, I'd be finding 3 examples of as-similar-matching vehicles to yours as possible, and take the figures (printed adverts) to them to "evidence" exactly what sort of figure you are looking at to replace your Freelander.

Good places to do this are places such as eBay, Autotrader and specialist Land Rover magazines who will have small ads and garages selling Freelanders.

Good luck.
Was it a non fault claim? If so you should be put back in the same position you was in, if its not structural, they should fix if you shout loud enough. I got nearly 3k for my old 205 when they originally offered 1k. If your car was in very good condition, find some ads of equivalent cars going for more money!
As someone commented earlier never accept the first offer. When one of my cars was written off I was given crap offers and ended up finding the same car models etc on sale on autotrader for expected prices, sent them the advertisements and they soon upped their offer. You could try it, it worked for me.

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