
Well-Known Member
hi all

For a while now my 300 manual disco has been sort of juddering or lunging when goin on or off the throttle, it's hard to explain but sort of feels like massive transmission slop but the diffs are ok.

Anyway, now when moving slowly in traffic, sometimes in second, or slowing down for a junction and engaging first when not quite stopped, its started making a bad noise and jerking around like the handbrake is partly stuck on. I've stripped, cleaned and backed off the handbrake twice, thinking that was it but it's no better. This is gonna sound really daft but it sort of goes 'Ker klunk, Ker klunk, Ker klunk' getting faster with speed. Does anyone have any ideas or know of this problem

Many thanks

could be a completely different matter as the only time i experienced anything close to what you say was in a 1L micra. but "ker, klunk, ker, klunk" would describe it well. hope im wrong but on that it was something had come loose in the gearbox. i ignored it while trying to get a new gearbox and it eventually exploded through the side of the gearbox housing.

hope im wrong and good luck sorting it out whatever it may be :)
Mmm thanks...I think haha.

Well I don't think it will be too long till she needs a clutch and I have a mate who just got a scrapper to strip, I might have a go in that while it's still in one piece and see if the boxes would be available


Yeah, checked uj's, brakes, diffs, hand brake seems to be releasing fine, mounts. I have thought it could be the pump if not one of the boxes, either air in the lines or something inside it because it does some odd things. Even moving at a constant speed and then turning on the air con makes it judder then settle again just from the added drag of the pump, it's doing my head in

Yeah thought about doing that but not got round to it yet. I had diff lock in one day when I was shooting and it seemed to do it more then so I don't know how she will like been driven around with diff lock in, only one way to find out tho I suppose


Is it only when you are driving? You mentioned the A/C making a difference when holding a constant speed. Can you replicate that when stationary but holding the throttle to the appropriate RPM? If you can establish if it's an issue that is present when driving or not, or put another way: when the transmission is engaged or not, that will then eliminate half of your possible causes and aid you to hone in on the fault.
To be honest I've not tried reverse or the cv's but good idea.

Well...when I turn the a/c on when it's on tick over it hunts for revs if you know wot I mean, the revs go slightly up down up down all the time, but if I adjust the tick over to compensate for this then it revs too high when it gets to operating temp. It's the same story with tick over in general, when I set it to be normal when warm then it hunts when cold so I've got it set a bit higher than normal to try for a happy medium but it's easy to tell its a bit high. This is wot I mean when I mention about not trusting the pump, it does a couple of odd things.

She did her thing today whilst moving through traffic and I defo think the 'Ker klunk' I mention is in one of the boxes. Sometimes it does it after using the handbrake and sometimes it starts when I engage first while rolling slowly even without letting the clutch up, but the sometimes it just does it when it wants, for fun I'm sure!

First thing I'd do is a basic service, fuel, oil and air filters .. and clean out, or at least check the sedimenter. (Eliminate potential crap)

Check all the wheel bearings, properly, wheels off the ground and that the wheels roll as they should, without binding or stiction. (Thinking of a bust bearing which has welded itself to the stub axle)

If it's still happening I'd raise it on axles stands so it can be run, get someone to sit in and run it steadily while you listen for knocks to try and pinpoint it to either the transfer or main gearbox ... or diffs .. or CV's .. ;)
First thing I'd do is a basic service, fuel, oil and air filters .. and clean out, or at least check the sedimenter. (Eliminate potential crap)

Check all the wheel bearings, properly, wheels off the ground and that the wheels roll as they should, without binding or stiction. (Thinking of a bust bearing which has welded itself to the stub axle)

If it's still happening I'd raise it on axles stands so it can be run, get someone to sit in and run it steadily while you listen for knocks to try and pinpoint it to either the transfer or main gearbox ... or diffs .. or CV's .. ;)
They can hunt a bit when cold, but it should be barely noticeable.
You might get somewhere just lying underneath and turning props with various combinations of handbrake and gears, listening for the right clunk. Give them a good old crank though, as it's easy to miss rattles by not applying enough force to get them going, and work up a bit of speed too, if you can. If you can't, something's binding.
Thanks for the replies

I've already done all of the above except run it up on a ramp. That is a good idea tho and I have 3 mates with ramps so it shouldn't take much organising

It 'SEEMS' to be only when moving fairly slowly and goes after about 20mph. I still think there is something not right with the fip and also something in the transmission

Is there any ve pump experts on here?

Hi towsey
If it were mine I would take front prop off & run with diff lock in ! I don't know why it is but the front uj's can be a ba**terd to find / feel if they are crakerd while they are still on the motor !:mad::mad::mad:
Ask me how I know :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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