How much would you pay for a SD style rear ladder?

  • Under £100

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • £100-£125

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • £125-£150

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • £150+

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Obviously tratter boys haven't got the nouse to know that there other doors that can be opened...............doh

yeah but it rained today & his other doors was gaffa taped up. :D Daft #### needs to learn to stop when the back of his ****heap reaches the white line.:rolleyes:

Same carpark also had this cock in it. Must be the locals..

Rack is not required...
For example... go with your wife/girlfriend... romantic mood... and small interior of Freelander... so you need to go up to roof :D , Ladder can help :)
Theres a difference between hairdressers and some parts of the country anyway, maybe not down your way :D

that's true.. :D Fooking sarfeners :p Nearly teeboned one of em in a taxi tonight after he decided to change the right of way on a roundabout. Might have helped if he'd let me know first :doh:
i believe i cant charge UK VAT if you're in poland. but the prices i gave were with VAT. So just divide the prices i send by 1.2 , for example £120 would now be £100 etc.

Poland is in the EU, so you are liable for the VAT.
I think its called the reverse charging system, but there seems to be conflicting advice. Best to ring your local VAT office.

"Distance sales suppliers still have to charge Polish VAT in the same way as before.

Companies providing services related to immovable properties which are already registered in Poland shall continue to charge Polish VAT. However if such a company is not registered for VAT in Poland the reverse charge applies.

Further clarification is being given on the question of how import VAT can be accounted for and claimed when a non-resident company imports goods into Poland which are then subject to the reverse charge as set out above."

"A VAT-registered UK business does not need to charge VAT on goods it is sending to Poland, provided it keeps documentary proof of export. It must also obtain the Polish customer’s PTU registration number and show it on the invoice (including the PL prefix). All Polish VAT numbers are in the format of 10 numerals."

"As Poland and the UK are both in the European Union VAT Area, there are complicated VAT rules affecting business carried out between the 2 countries."
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i hate it when c0cks like you do that! really boils my p!ss....

but then again my rear window just drops down (cos mine works, unlike some), so i just put the shopping in that way :D

You could select reverse and push the tratter out the way as they don't have much of a hand brake! Lol
I think its called the reverse charging system, but there seems to be conflicting advice. Best to ring your local VAT office

According to HMRC website i still have to charge it, its only for non EU countries.

Lukas, disregard last message, prices as per my email from this afternoon
You could select reverse and push the tratter out the way as they don't have much of a hand brake! Lol

or open the door, jump start it and move it myself since they dont have much of a security system either :D
Except if there is a guard pig in there :D

how many pigs do you see with legs long enough to get into the back of a tratter? then again, who knows what they pick up on those dodgy deep boggy areas we cant go in....
You could select reverse and push the tratter out the way as they don't have much of a hand brake! Lol

Now ya been silly. His spare wheel mount would fold flat If he tried that. Unlike my swingaway wheel carrier with a 265/75/16 spare & an 5ft Jackall mounted to it. Oh and my Handbrake is very very good.. :p

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