How much would you pay for a SD style rear ladder?

  • Under £100

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • £100-£125

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • £125-£150

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • £150+

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've been working out prices to manufacture a spare wheel mounted ladder of a similar style to the Safety Devices one after getting some interest from some people.

I've got a price together, and also worked out prices that I can do for group buy purchases.

So i'm after 2 things,

1. How much interest is there? Group buys would be in quantities of 5-9 and 10+, obviously going for 10+ makes them cheaper still.

2. What would people be willing to pay for one? I know the SD one used to retail at around £165 + delivery, maybe more, but that was 10 years ago, and prices go up. I've put a poll above, click on what you "honestly" think, I know we're all tight, but please be realistic :D

Thanks for all your feedback, and opinions are welcome.
Why would you need a ladder on the back of a Gaylander? Surely there can't be that many midgets driving them to make it worth designing and making a ladder for them. :confused::D
where's the option for fookall????

I parked next to a gaylander in tesco's tonight, roof of the 110 had to be best part of a foot taller than the gaylanders.. :D
Why would you need a ladder on the back of a Gaylander? Surely there can't be that many midgets driving them to make it worth designing and making a ladder for them. :confused::D

cos us gaylander drivers like to feel like we're almost in tratter land, with the same bits tratters have, only comfier :D
where's the option for fookall????

I parked next to a gaylander in tesco's tonight, roof of the 110 had to be best part of a foot taller than the gaylanders.. :D

you still chose to park next to it though :D if you were that ashamed you'd have moved far away
you still chose to park next to it though :D if you were that ashamed you'd have moved far away

Actually I backed up to it so me hilift & spare wheel was about 2" from his spare wheel :p Just to confuse the fooker when he came back with his shopping....& could figure out how to open his door. :D
#### off you lot, haven't you got last minute welding to do before Billing this weekend? But seriously, **** orf.

OP, if you want to make a product for Freelanders there is a market for it despite what the tratterboys will say. There seem to be an emerging Freelander enthusiast community in Europe. Go for it mate!
Actually I backed up to it so me hilift & spare wheel was about 2" from his spare wheel :p Just to confuse the fooker when he came back with his shopping....& could figure out how to open his door. :D

Obviously tratter boys haven't got the nouse to know that there other doors that can be opened...............doh
Actually I backed up to it so me hilift & spare wheel was about 2" from his spare wheel :p Just to confuse the fooker when he came back with his shopping....& could figure out how to open his door. :D

i hate it when c0cks like you do that! really boils my p!ss....

but then again my rear window just drops down (cos mine works, unlike some), so i just put the shopping in that way :D
#### off you lot, haven't you got last minute welding to do before Billing this weekend? But seriously, **** orf.

OP, if you want to make a product for Freelanders there is a market for it despite what the tratterboys will say. There seem to be an emerging Freelander enthusiast community in Europe. Go for it mate!

If they've got last minute welding to do bring their car down my way, i double my rates for disco's and treble them for tratters :D pays for the beers with the gaylander crew :D
i hate it when c0cks like you do that! really boils my p!ss....

Happens to me all the time, Ilkeston is full of ****s. I just use the key to get the winder down and bung me shopping in.

Oh and I carry a spritzer full of 1/3 bleach and 2/3 white vinegar for instant rust on ****s' cars.

I can see where this thread will end up :lol:

Roll up, roll up get yer :pop2:
Come on guys...
Ladder is very important accessory for FL :D , i Use it many times. :cool2:
If they've got last minute welding to do bring their car down my way, i double my rates for disco's and treble them for tratters :D pays for the little umbrellas and cherries on sticks with the gaylander crew :D

I don't really want to know thank you :p
Come on guys...
Ladder is very important accessory for FL :D , i Use it many times. :cool2:

yeah but nobody else on here has a SD roof rack!

divide the prices i gave you earlier by 1.2 as obviously i cant charge VAT to you and they were including VAT :D

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