lol you boys need to find something else to do.
resistance is futile:D
now if you or your friends are stupid enough to put a picture of you up anywhere on net- your email address etc could be found next:p
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resistance is futile:D
now if you or your friends are stupid enough to put a picture of you up anywhere on net- your email address etc could be found next:p

thats what i mean get out , get a life. if all you can do is search for people on the net its sad. I reckon you are one of these sex affenders who stalk people on the net
Fanatic is a fantastic source of high quality pornography too. He doesnt just ''affend'' people, he's providing a service for which we are grateful. You provide light entertainment.
all this AND he has a p38................


[nomedia=""]YouTube- We Didn't Start the Flame War[/nomedia]

coughs matches
Robert E Pearce , Jennifer A Pearce , Christine A Pearce , Florence J Pearce
Matthew R Pearce.

Prove that you are not in cyber space-take the hint, taking on a forum is a loosing battle.
You'll be saddened to know, I'm not a sex offender and have a daughter who is having an innocent childhood. I personally think that sex offenders should be strung from a tree.

So would you like to apologize for being a cock, be cause your more likely to need help at some point with a p38- or would you like more?

innocent, what with you as a dad. dont think so. If you know where i lve come round and we will sort this out face to face or are you hiding behind a key board you pedo

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