Got a lot of smiles and waves along the way:D

Bet you did, it always makes me grin - great picture. I worked for the AA for 13 years. They have a nice little museum including landies. AFAIK they still have a few but they are really just retained for publicity/press opportunities.
I cruise at 65-70mph on motorway but have disco tranny and slightly larger tyres than standard.

I also have a RRC tranny and found this to be better gearing ;-)
Gonna change it back I think
My 110 200 TDI will cruise all day with 65 showing on the speedo which is 60 on the sat nav. Top speed around 80 (75) at which point you have to wear a gum shield and ear plugs.
My 90 200TDi (with 31's and a disco t/box) will happily sit at 60mph, will easily get up to 70mph for overtaking although it gets noisy/scary at that speed and it will go on to hit just over 80mph. My speedo reads dead on to my sat nav due to the slightly larger tyres (most over read by a few mph), my fuel pump is tweeked though and I only get about 15mpg if I cane it hence the siting at 60...
+1, it'll happily sit at (actual) 60 all day, with enough left to overtake if I need to.
TBH, most of my motorway miles are with the caravan in tow, so 60s my limit anyway,I usually sit a 56 with the trucks, I get 30mpg that way!!
235/85 grabber AT2s and tuned engine. sits nicely at 65/70 mph according to satnav. shows 10mph more on speedo! does 28mpg at this speed
remember drag increases at the square of speed , so the faster you go the power required increases dramatically with some thing as aerodynamic as a defender!!

I find 60 is a comfortable speed with my 90 tdi auto (disco trans) and 265/75r16 tyres it hits about 87 max (sat nav speeds) its a job at that speed to tell whats making more noise , the engine , tyres or wind :eek:
I find 60 is a comfortable speed with my 90 tdi auto (disco trans) and 265/75r16 tyres it hits about 87 max (sat nav speeds) its a job at that speed to tell whats making more noise , the engine , tyres, wind or passengers :eek:

edited for the sake of accuracy :).
Mine is comfy at 65/70 on 265's ats. On mud terrains I would go slower as they really wonder.

As for motorway. Get in behind a box van. You can lift off then.
Had 98 out of my old mans on a airfield, stage 2 remap TD5 90, it's got a disco transfer box and 275 tyres
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Well not in a condescending tone, but I didn't think they were that slow.

My 3.0L LC runs around 112 mph on the satnav, and that's with 250,000 miles showing

My Def 130 300TDI slightly larger tyres and it cruises around 70mph but will go up to 80/85 with ear defenders and anti vibration suit.

I saw my 90 300 tdi csw hit 77 at the weekend. I was only alerted to my overspeed by the insane whining noises coming from all directions. It felt so quiet when I got back down to my safe 60 speed!!
I saw my 90 300 tdi csw hit 77 at the weekend. I was only alerted to my overspeed by the insane whining noises coming from all directions. It felt so quiet when I got back down to my safe 60 speed!!

I used to get an insane whining noise - until I got divorced!!
I have a 1995 300tdi 90 , 1.4 transfer with over drive and 265 tyres will do 90 on speedo but 85 on satnav, standard pump :)

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