
New Member
Hi all.
Was hopeing for a bit of input and advice? My old DSE P38 has now been condemned to a work car. So im looking for a L322 for my other half. Will proberly keep the car for around 3 years and has to be the diesel.
Im looking to spend about 8 grand (so i know im buying at the older cheap end) but im quite handy with a spanner and bodywork.
What im really looking for is something i can mod to look as late as i can. Not new panels and loads of paintwork, but wheels, grille, gills and lights if needed.
Id like Cream leather and into all the toys and bits inside! Not too worried about colour. Although i think the Blacks and White (id suffer getting it wrapped) look the latest.

Anyone give me any input as to what years/ what to look for and what can be done to make it look as late as i can? Not looking to make it look brand new but just as late as i can for sensible money.

Or do i hang out for one already done on Ebay for £10k? Have seen them come up in the past.
Best get a late td6 2005 probably

Or a early facelift of you can afford it

If you want a late looking one you can either get one already completed but make sure the quality if the conversion is good

Or you can facelift it yourself for around £4K

Make sure the gearbox had been serviced or replaced if it's at around 90k miles
Sorry to be a stick in the mud but saying I've got xxxx to spend always worries me. Buying a Range Rover of any kind you should have a third of the asking price available in cash for repairs after the purchase - if not you can't afford it. Early L322s aren't exactly known for their quality and you will need to have the equivalent cost of a new transmission in the piggy bank whilst owning the car.
sorry to be a stick in the mud but saying i've got xxxx to spend always worries me. Buying a range rover of any kind you should have a third of the asking price available in cash for repairs after the purchase - if not you can't afford it. Early l322s aren't exactly known for their quality and you will need to have the equivalent cost of a new transmission in the piggy bank whilst owning the car.
Rubbish get a 2003\4 L322, for the £9k touch colour depends on what you want, 90-100k with good HSE or vogue spec and history, and then buy an RSW allcomms kit, get a good warranty from either warranty direct at £136 a year or the AA at £82 a year.
Then get a full good service as soon as you buy it.about the £400 touch all oils changed
They are unreliable bits go wrong weekly, BUT they drive lovely and look the part, wheels stay with what you get unless you are pimpin it.
Hey Guys

Thanks for the input! I was kinda looking at a 2003 ish and doing the mods myself.. Anyone give me any advice of how "late" i can make each year look, or what year i can make look the newest (in that price range)? I.e a 2003 with wheels, grille, lights etc can get to look like a 2006.. or get a 2004 as it can be made to look 2007?

Im only really looking at Wheels , grille, gills , lights (that sort of thing), is that what the conversion consists of? And only really direct replacement. Dont really want to start cutting and painting too much!.

Thanks for the heads up on the G/Boxes.. Are they that much of a git, or is it the unlucky ones? Have never really thought about the Warrenty option! Didnt realise it was so cheap!! Thanks!!

To be fair i struggle with the 1/3rd in reserve comment. Please dont think im ungrateful for the advice and i 100% understand what your advising me. That there will be problems arise and that unless they are repairable then the car will be off road constantly. But if to buy a £8k car i need £3000 in the bank "incase", means it wouldnt be an option, and im sure alot of the £8k ranges on the road, arnt backed by ££££ in the bank.

Again, please dont think im ungrateful for the advice, but i cant warrent banking £3000 in case of a breakdown. Id have to plan to buy the best i can and do what i can myself if the worst happened. Ive currently got a Merc CL500 AMG that was £100k new, which i brought 10 year old for £4K. I was advised to watch for ABC problems as they were common and cost ££££. I managed to find one that had recently had it repaired, and fingers crossed ive had no problems at all.

Rubbish get a 2003\4 L322, for the £9k touch colour depends on what you want, 90-100k with good HSE or vogue spec and history, and then buy an RSW allcomms kit, get a good warranty from either warranty direct at £136 a year or the AA at £82 a year.
Then get a full good service as soon as you buy it.about the £400 touch all oils changed
They are unreliable bits go wrong weekly, BUT they drive lovely and look the part, wheels stay with what you get unless you are pimpin it.

Haha thanks fella, makes a lot of sence.. When i brought the P38 i was expecting all the Becm and air susp problems, but i was lucky!

The Warranty sounds awesome! Its a good call i think! Will look into it.

I went mad on the p38 (8 tv,s.. 22" wheels, Louis Vuitton leather etc) ...Ive grown up a bit now haha,.. Kinda just looking to make it look as late as possible. I think the Whites look stunning and late, so a grands worth of wrap in the future may be worth it. Re wheels etc, id be looking to get the right ones for the latest conversion i can. Just not sure how late i can make each year look? If that makes sence?

Hey Guys

Thanks for the input! I was kinda looking at a 2003 ish and doing the mods myself.. Anyone give me any advice of how "late" i can make each year look, or what year i can make look the newest (in that price range)? I.e a 2003 with wheels, grille, lights etc can get to look like a 2006.. or get a 2004 as it can be made to look 2007?

Im only really looking at Wheels , grille, gills , lights (that sort of thing), is that what the conversion consists of? And only really direct replacement. Dont really want to start cutting and painting too much!.

Thanks for the heads up on the G/Boxes.. Are they that much of a git, or is it the unlucky ones? Have never really thought about the Warrenty option! Didnt realise it was so cheap!! Thanks!!

To be fair i struggle with the 1/3rd in reserve comment. Please dont think im ungrateful for the advice and i 100% understand what your advising me. That there will be problems arise and that unless they are repairable then the car will be off road constantly. But if to buy a £8k car i need £3000 in the bank "incase", means it wouldnt be an option, and im sure alot of the £8k ranges on the road, arnt backed by ££££ in the bank.

Again, please dont think im ungrateful for the advice, but i cant warrent banking £3000 in case of a breakdown. Id have to plan to buy the best i can and do what i can myself if the worst happened. Ive currently got a Merc CL500 AMG that was £100k new, which i brought 10 year old for £4K. I was advised to watch for ABC problems as they were common and cost ££££. I managed to find one that had recently had it repaired, and fingers crossed ive had no problems at all.

If you buy one with 90K miles on it that has not had the gearbox changed, you will need the £3K for the replacement gearbox. They have a life expectancy of 60/80K miles:eek:
If your not prepared to have substantial funds available for when the RR plays up you are looking for the wrong 4x4 to own. And if you are looking to spend alot of cash instead on making it look newer than it is then you also have the wrong mentality. You will just have a nice looking RR on the drive constantly.......sorry:(
So are we agreeing that the cheapest useable 52 plate L322 thats available is £10,500 ish? £7-8k for the motor then £3k's worth of problems?

Again, please dont think im dismissing your help, or dont appreciate the advice.. Because i genuinely do. If thats what everyone is advising then i suppose i wont get to own one!

I do understand they have lots of issues, but to dismiss the car just because i havent got a spare £3k to fix the propblems is hard to accept.. Surely if i do my research and get one with a good/replaced transmission then im only going to get the day to day issues?
Or do the sensible L322 owners on here genuinely have a few grand badgered up due to the older L322's being so bad?

The types of car i tend to own all are big "out of bed" motors.. I.e lots of car for little money, due to running costs and reliability, but have always done my homework, and have always been lucky not to have the issues..

Rolls Spirits, Bentley, P38's (still got 2!) Merc CL500.. All were awesome cars and alot of money new, and ive always brought around 10years old.. Everyone has had major well known week spots, BECM,EAS,ABC pumps. Which could all result in ££££ worth of repairs, but surely if i do the homework and find the right car? In this instance with a recon transmission?

I am 100% listening to what yous are telling me. And i am grateful. I appreciate im going to get issues along the way. But are they really that bad that none of yous would buy one unless theres ££££ available for the iminent breakdown? Or is it only needed for worse case senario?

(I so know im gonna buy one now and it need £££££ work within a week!! lol)

If its fact, then its fact.. I just really dont want to dismiss owning one if its a "worse case senario" or "they are known for it" issue.

Thanks guys
I do appreciate the advise

I have a couple of K spare on a Credit Card for inevitable issues and as long as you appreciate the potential costs any potential repair can cause, then you will be fine....

Here is a thread I started based on my first year of ownership....

They are great cars, just be mindful they can empty your bank balance when they go wrong and you need garage assistance!
It's not neccesarily having the money tucked away but just being prepared for expensive maintenance bills. Some RR's have little problems but others are full of them so personally i prepare for the worst case.
I bought my '02 P38 back in March '12 in pristine condition & everything working as it should. After the first 6 months of trouble free motoring it has still cost me over £2k in repairs in my ownership though, . This would be halved if i did all the work myself (& i am doing more of my own spanner work with the help given on here). I don't complain about this as i went into RR ownership with my eyes wide open.
The point is. Don't expect to buy a sorted RR & not expect to have problems down the line. The build quality & component design of LR is often suspect. They are still the best 4x4's to drive which is why many are on here to help keep them's a real love hate relationship.
Cheers Saint!

I appreciate that! I really do fancy one, as they look so much car for the money (the same as the P38 was 10 years ago!). I suppose its the same, you guys advised me of the Becm and Air susp problems on the P38's, but i was lucky. And to be fair, every issue that did come up, you guys have always helped to get me round it cheap as possible. So ive always listened carefully to your advice!

Bit of a gamble really, if you get a good one, you have an awesome result, if you get unlucky and get a bad one your in it!
Thanks Martyn

Yep i agree with that 100%. Im pretty good with the spanners, and you guys have always seen me right. But it does make sence not to walk into one thinking there will never be any issues.

Haha, i can understand you trying to talk me outta it, as your the one thats proberly always had to help the most with all the P38 issues ive had!! haha

Id like to go to about £8k tops, and then look to update it over the following 6 mnths -a year

Haha, i can understand you trying to talk me outta it, as your the one thats proberly always had to help the most with all the P38 issues ive had!! haha

Id like to go to about £8k tops, and then look to update it over the following 6 mnths -a year
Just look at the increasing number of L322 posts, I also have some experience on problems on other peoples L322's enough to convince me never to buy one. The P38 is a piece of cake to fix by comparison.

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