oh shut yer neck ya ****flap .... dya really think anybody duz that .....
I'll resist the temptation to be abusive back and just suggest you get yself a brain (try Halfords? Currys?). It's illegal for a very good reason and if you want to go tipping it down drains then a) wonder why you're living in a desert and b) stop complaining about your council tax because it completely f***s up the sewage system.:rolleyes:
I'll resist the temptation to be abusive back and just suggest you get yself a brain (try Halfords? Currys?). It's illegal for a very good reason and if you want to go tipping it down drains then a) wonder why you're living in a desert and b) stop complaining about your council tax because it completely f***s up the sewage system.:rolleyes:

Where does oil come from??? Where are the sewers???:D:D:D
thin it with some doozel and spray it on the weeds.
works better than Round Up.
I'll resist the temptation to be abusive back and just suggest you get yself a brain (try Halfords? Currys?). It's illegal for a very good reason and if you want to go tipping it down drains then a) wonder why you're living in a desert and b) stop complaining about your council tax because it completely f***s up the sewage system.:rolleyes:

oh dear oh dear .... you done blowed yer mouth off without readin wot i said and what someone else said :rolleyes: ya did dint ya :rolleyes: ......... and i dont want a brain fanks .... and i dont recall anyone mentionin council tax ...
There are heaters for your garage around that burn old oil, suppose that is **** for the enviroment too, who cares! The whole global warming thing being our fault is rubbish anyway, check history...... warming then ice age (good film by the way) it happens....get over it and we'll not be around anyway...Darwin had it right for the survivors, the fittest will survive.
There are heaters for your garage around that burn old oil


I paint my fence with it. And I don't mix it with creosote either. I've got the only fence on the estate that isn't rotten.
If you undercoat it with one of these cheapo fence paints 1st that I had on mine, it gives it a real nice Midnight Green/blue/red tint. People always tell me how good it looks, and the hinges never squeak! And it stops the scum trying to climb over your fence to nick the barbie (they just open the gate instead :D)
Illegal and rightly so. Our planet-destroying reputation is bad enuff already without polluting watercourses. Your local tip should have a recycling point if you don't want to tip it in your fuel tank.:mad:

i'll put money on you wearing a hi-viz vest and a helmet ter ride yer fookin bike
shhh . dunt tell him about the ducks .... i do that anorl... hehehe

Ah was out on the **** last night and we passed a duck with a load of ducklings. "aaaaahhh look" says all the girls "aren't they cute" "**** me says I bitesized ducks what will they think of next?" that got me a few slaps:D

Was quite enjoyable really.
Ah was out on the **** last night and we passed a duck with a load of ducklings. "aaaaahhh look" says all the girls "aren't they cute" "**** me says I bitesized ducks what will they think of next?" that got me a few slaps:D .
Trouble is, when they're that size it's difficult to get the orange up their bum. That's the ducks, you understand, not the girlies.

Look guys, I think reusing the stuff is a good idea - fencing, undersealing, filling chassis voids with it, burning it, sticking it in your tank. Just don't tip it down drain or onto your land. If you dilute it enough the oil itself won't hurt the ground too much, but used oil is full of nasty heavy metals that will get into your vegetables and damage your children.

And I ain't got a bike Yella, cos I've got a Disco...:D

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