
Beer tester
LZIR Despatch Agent
im dropping me diff oil out this weekend what should I do with the old oil?Cheers!
Will your local skip site take it? Down where I live the sites have a special bin for all types of oil......... just a thought :rolleyes:
i take mine to work ... we gotta sump wotsit fer that kinda stuff .....
yer local council waste place should take it ... they normaly do ...
Let it sit in your garage for a while, it will settle out then put it into your diesel tank... lots of energy, works well.

I just store it all up, the way oil prices are going you think I am going to dump it at my local tip?!?
Let it sit in your garage for a while, it will settle out then put it into your diesel tank... lots of energy, works well.

I just store it all up, the way oil prices are going you think I am going to dump it at my local tip?!?

One thing u must do is strain it as well, to use it as fuel, because there may be a nasty swarf gremlin about floatin.


i allus pour mine over next doors weeds :D
Illegal and rightly so. Our planet-destroying reputation is bad enuff already without polluting watercourses. Your local tip should have a recycling point if you don't want to tip it in your fuel tank.:mad:
mine is in a 25l plastic container in the garage, keep meaning to empty it out as the recycle centre! will i ever get around to it? who knows.

Illegal and rightly so. Our planet-destroying reputation is bad enuff already without polluting watercourses. Your local tip should have a recycling point if you don't want to tip it in your fuel tank.:mad:

oh shut yer neck ya ****flap .... dya really think anybody duz that .....

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