So I'm looking to make my first foray into the world of Land Rover, after wanting one for years.
The wealth of information here is staggering and slightly overwhelming if I'm being honest.

That being said, ideally, I'd want a 90 but the way they hold their price, for even a rust infested wreck, is staggering.

So it's coming down to either a Discovery or a Freelander.
I'm looking for something that doesn't require welding and is a runner so I can use it to toddle about in as I modify and learn.

A paltry budget of about 1500 at the moment is all I can muster.

So what are your thoughts, wait and save to get a 90, though that could take a while. Or go for something else?

There are that many models, engines and interchangeable parts, I'm struggling to narrow it down, so any advice, help and pointing in the direction of bargains is appreciated!
So I'm looking to make my first foray into the world of Land Rover, after wanting one for years.
The wealth of information here is staggering and slightly overwhelming if I'm being honest.

That being said, ideally, I'd want a 90 but the way they hold their price, for even a rust infested wreck, is staggering.

So it's coming down to either a Discovery or a Freelander.
I'm looking for something that doesn't require welding and is a runner so I can use it to toddle about in as I modify and learn.

A paltry budget of about 1500 at the moment is all I can muster.

So what are your thoughts, wait and save to get a 90, though that could take a while. Or go for something else?

There are that many models, engines and interchangeable parts, I'm struggling to narrow it down, so any advice, help and pointing in the direction of bargains is appreciated!

Question - why do you want a 90?

Not saying there is anything wrong with wanting one, they are great. But the reality is, for most people something like a Discovery 1 is going to be a better bet.

Under the body they really aren't all that different. They use the same axles, the same transfer box (different high range ratio, but still an LT230), same manual gearboxes and same engines. And the same suspension and steering, even the chassis are pretty darn similar in design and construction. The only real difference is, a Disco is 100" wheelbase and a 90 is 92.9" wheelbase.

Obviously they look different and the Disco body is bigger, but it's also a lot more comfy, quiet and refined. Which for most people who use the vehicle on the road, is actually a benefit.

Ok, the 90 has the iconic look.... which I think blinkers most punters. But if you don't plan to compete in trials events (where the smaller size of the 90 is an advantage) and you don't need the hauling bed and modular body structure, then there is no advantage in a 90 over a Discovery in terms of ability.

Freelanders are great vehicles in their own right, but a very different type of vehicle from a Discovery of Defender. Much more car like. If all you want is a 4x4 that'll be mostly a road vehicle, but have the ability to drive across a field or up a green lane, then the Freelander is a good bet. If you want something a bit more 'truck' like and arguably a "proper" off roader, then they aren't the best option.

If it is the iconic shape you want, then also consider looking at a Series III Land Rover 88. A bit more rustic than a 90, but not hugely different in many ways.
Disco 1 should suit you fine ,if you hold out for one that had the welding done you should get a good one for £1500 and it will hold its value so if you save up and then want a defender then you can trade up

Iv got a disco 1 300 tdi and its great ,bought for under a grand ,has electric windows and is more refined than a defender

I wanted a defender at the time but couldnt justyfy spending three or four times more than a disco would cost

I currently have the whole interior ,front wings and boot floor out to replace all the rusty bits so if you dont want that then wait till you get a guddun ,but defenders rust too !
Why either Defender or a Disco? For £1,500 you should be able to source a half decent Series 3, ideallya SWB. They are iconic, not as comfortable but total hard core land rover. The simple unitary construction makes them relatively easy to work on and virtually all spares are available. Why buy a rusty 90 when you could get a decent S3? A disco isn't a traditional land rover; it has a sub chassis like a car and are prone to rot from the rear back towards the front. They are not really designed for tinkering in the same way as Series or Defenders. For £1,500 you'd be buying a whole lot of trouble. S3 's stopped production in 1983 and you can still pick up late examples with original chassis in decent nick. Mine's a 1983 SWB and I bought it for £700 in 2005. Ultimately depends on what you want one for and what your perception of what is a "Landrover". If you are buying a S3 do not buy a diesel, the std 21/4 LR diesel must be one of the worst engines ever built - a smokey joe that struggles with today's emissions tests for MOT's. A std 21/4L petrol is a smooth reliable engine, albeit you would have to accept chugging around at landy speed (30-40mph). If you live in a city or urban location S3 not ideal for fast roads.
A disco isn't a traditional land rover; it has a sub chassis like a car and are prone to rot from the rear back towards the front.

When I last looked under my disci it did have a chassis there......and yes the body tends to rot, but as siad by another poster, get one that has been sorted and £1500 should get one one that is in good order. My advice, find someone who has repaired one to look it other for you!!!
Before you buy any landrover try and get a drive in them , if you are coming from a normal car going to a landrover will be a culture shock , least to most
1 freelander
2 Discovery
3 defender
4 series

If its not going to be an expensive wish , you would be well advised to have mechanical skills , + electrical , and welding ideally .

Get an experienced land rover owner to help you with the evaluation of any proposed purchase , as you can get sold a real lemon otherwise, and there are plenty out there due to deterioration , and the bodging skills of many landy owners.
Why either Defender or a Disco? For £1,500 you should be able to source a half decent Series 3, ideallya SWB. They are iconic, not as comfortable but total hard core land rover. The simple unitary construction makes them relatively easy to work on and virtually all spares are available. Why buy a rusty 90 when you could get a decent S3? A disco isn't a traditional land rover; it has a sub chassis like a car and are prone to rot from the rear back towards the front. They are not really designed for tinkering in the same way as Series or Defenders. For £1,500 you'd be buying a whole lot of trouble. S3 's stopped production in 1983 and you can still pick up late examples with original chassis in decent nick. Mine's a 1983 SWB and I bought it for £700 in 2005. Ultimately depends on what you want one for and what your perception of what is a "Landrover". If you are buying a S3 do not buy a diesel, the std 21/4 LR diesel must be one of the worst engines ever built - a smokey joe that struggles with today's emissions tests for MOT's. A std 21/4L petrol is a smooth reliable engine, albeit you would have to accept chugging around at landy speed (30-40mph). If you live in a city or urban location S3 not ideal for fast roads.
Dick, don't spout about stuff you obviously don't understand, by all means extol the virtues of the series but don't do down the disco 1 if you don't even know the difference between a 1 and a 2 and their inherent but completely different rot issues.

And for the op I would say anything but a freelander. [emoji1]
there is something seriously wrong with your series if you are chugging around at 30-40
even a 2.286 diesel will do better than that :)
Why either Defender or a Disco? For £1,500 you should be able to source a half decent Series 3, ideallya SWB. They are iconic, not as comfortable but total hard core land rover. The simple unitary construction makes them relatively easy to work on and virtually all spares are available. Why buy a rusty 90 when you could get a decent S3? A disco isn't a traditional land rover; it has a sub chassis like a car and are prone to rot from the rear back towards the front. They are not really designed for tinkering in the same way as Series or Defenders. For £1,500 you'd be buying a whole lot of trouble. S3 's stopped production in 1983 and you can still pick up late examples with original chassis in decent nick. Mine's a 1983 SWB and I bought it for £700 in 2005. Ultimately depends on what you want one for and what your perception of what is a "Landrover". If you are buying a S3 do not buy a diesel, the std 21/4 LR diesel must be one of the worst engines ever built - a smokey joe that struggles with today's emissions tests for MOT's. A std 21/4L petrol is a smooth reliable engine, albeit you would have to accept chugging around at landy speed (30-40mph). If you live in a city or urban location S3 not ideal for fast roads.

A Discovery uses a ladder chassis just like a Series. Almost identical box section in fact. A Discovery just has a different body tub mounted in a different way. But it is just as tinker friendly. There is no sub chassis.
Thanks guys, this is just the type of information I'm after.
It's all contained within these forums already, but to have it condensed like this is invaluable for a newbie like me.
Keep it coming, I'm enjoying the debate amongst you all and learning, which is half the battle.
Which ever one you buy I'd budget for buying a welder cos discos, defenders and series all suffer from rot
Best comment on here so far is to find someone who has repaired rust in your chosen vehicle before as they will know the places to look as its not as simple as just lifting the boot carpet

When i replaced my disco front swivel the parts were also listed for a defender so theres something else thats just as easy to fix on a disco :p
When buying a vehicle last year I was in a similar position.
I eventually chose a 110 csw I paid a bit more than your budget but only because I borrowed the rest from family.
I chose my 110 because it has a 200tdi engine and very little electrics. The body bolts on and off and is really like a mechano set.
The discovery seemed a little harder to get to stuff and like you have no welding experience, but it's not that hard.
The freelander is what I'm trying to get away from. You have a lot more electrics and things aren't as easy to get to. It's also doesn't look as good with battle scars like a defender does.
My 110 has had electric issue in the sense of hazards going off when the indicators on but you just following the wiring back and it's can only be a few straight forward causes. All the advice is on here.

The defender is also going to continue to hold its price and possibly go up.
I did consider a series again but because of every day use and commuting unless I found one with a engine conversion the 19j just didn't quite have what I wanted. The 110 I bought had the work done.

Go and look at loads. Good luck
Best comment on here so far is to find someone who has repaired rust in your chosen vehicle before as they will know the places to look as its not as simple as just lifting the boot carpet

When i replaced my disco front swivel the parts were also listed for a defender so theres something else thats just as easy to fix on a disco :p

saw it stripped yesterday.. gl with the welding!
Think il need an extra cylinder of gas before im finished !

Did you ever get sorted with that seal ?

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