
New Member
Im in a major dilemma at the moment. My faithful Disco 300 is showing signs of age and I think its time for a change. Thing is, part of me is thinking "buy a Defender. Ie more able off road and also parts interchangeable between it and the disco. the other part of me is saying buy a disco 2. comfort, less off road ability, no or virtually no parts interchangeable. Good 300tdi Defenders cost more but are worth more as well. Head melted as i have only recently caught the Land-rover bug so am wondering what the next step on this mystery tour is :dnfnoob:
Find someone with a Fender and ask if you can have a play and a chat.

Then, once you have no hearing left, you are cold and possibly wet, you smell of a mixture of EP90 and doozil, and your right elbow had been twotted off the door a few times, if you still want a Fender, then go for it! :D :D

If you are looking for an investment, it will cost you a mint in time and parts, so even though you might just get back more than you originally paid for it, you will still have lost money ... and time, and skin off your knuckles, and skin off your head and elbows ... :D :D ;) ;)
im thinking of changing my fender for a D2:rolleyes:
love the fender to bit's easy to work on and a blast to drive mines my daily driver think i
nead more comfort in my old age..:D
Im in a major dilemma at the moment. My faithful Disco 300 is showing signs of age and I think its time for a change. Thing is, part of me is thinking "buy a Defender. Ie more able off road and also parts interchangeable between it and the disco. the other part of me is saying buy a disco 2. comfort, less off road ability, no or virtually no parts interchangeable. Good 300tdi Defenders cost more but are worth more as well. Head melted as i have only recently caught the Land-rover bug so am wondering what the next step on this mystery tour is :dnfnoob:
Where you from, maybe interested in the disco ?
Two completely different cars, only you can answer the question based on what you use it for. Disco 2 will still go off road but will drag it's arse on steep stuff due to the longer overhang. If you spend most of the time on the road, it would be disco 2 for me. Off road would be fender or disco 1 depending on budget and passengers.
id really love a good 300tdi but they are very few and far between. The thing with getting a Defender is that I could transfer my good bits over to it. the disco 2 would be a fine daily driver and i think my diff and steering guards would transfer over. only go off roading once a month with the club so maybe the d2 would be a good compromise
Go for a Defender, I have both and prefer the defender and if you are worried about cost the fenders hold their value, but both are good cars.
Go for a Defender, I have both and prefer the defender and if you are worried about cost the fenders hold their value, but both are good cars.

im more worried about spending money on something i wont be able to repair as easilly as the 300.
I think Landrover's do this to all of us who are smitten by them.

They all pretty much have a quite specific niche in the 4x4 market but they are all so good at both on road and off road, that it leaves you struggling to choose.

My first LR was a disco 300tdi, I felt like it was boring to drive so got rid of it for a series 3. Had that for a month or two before I found it unbearable as a daily drive, and went back to the disco. Then felt bored again, so went for an old MGB. Had that for a couple of months and then went back to a disco 300tdi once again. I've had this one for about 18 months now, and it's nothing of a chelsea tractor, nor does it scream of the traditional Landrover style. But it's big, reliable-ish, and it's good off road, (not quite as good as a 'fender).

To that end, it is quite a boring car to own, but at the same time, it is exactly what any land rover should be. A no-frills workhorse with a great off road pedigree. It's that very mindset that grounds me, every time I get the urge to change for something more fun or exiting, like a defender, or a L322. I think so many people buy Landrovers with their heart, and not with their mind.

If you're after a cheap car with easy and cheap maintenance, which is almost as good as a defender off road, almost as utilitarian, and almost as big inside, but without the constant worry of theft, then disco is the one for you. D2 or tdi is your choice. Obviously D2 still looks reasonably modern (although will begin to look very outdated within the next few years) and discovery tdi's look very dated already.
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Mechano kit, look no further than a 90 / 110 . fender etc cheap parts easy fix, fab....err yes bit noisy , may leak, BUT theys a proper Landy nothing else like it :)
Hi all
don't want to highjack patmac's thread but i'm in a similar dilemma.

I wanted a 90 td5 station wagon, but they are out of my budget so i'm looking at another td5 D2 to go with the one I've got.

I want to do some green laning so it will get a few mods, it will also be my daily work drive and still needs to take the kids in the back, but not the boot !

just a few things I need some input on.

5 or 7 seats (springs or air) will probably get a 2" lift some time in the future with springs all round so thought maybe I could sell the compressor on if it's a good one ?

manual or auto ?
i'm thinking manual (I already have an auto) but I have seen off road prepped D2's in auto.
how good is auto off road ? I ask as 99% of the ES's I've seen so far are auto.
the lower interior spec GS's seem to crop up more in manual and obviously I want to get as much as I can for as little as possible ;)
I have no issue fixing the disco or indeed a defender. been there many times. I reckon I love my 300 cos there is a very serious defender Vs everything else in the club I go out wit and I love the "that wont go there!!!" Followed by "How the fcuk did he get that there???" the defender is tempting but i reckon it will be a Disco 2 with CDL

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