Not a second hand vehicle, infact not a vehicle at all. But I found this amusing so had to share. A mate of mine knows a gentleman of a certain persuasion who works in a gay club. The morning after a busy night they were doing the usual check round and found a handbag that had been left in the cloakroom. Upon opening said handbag they found inside a **** with a banana stuck in it.

Apparently they find all manner of things left behind :what:
oh well, wot goes in,
must come out natrually I spose...

i imported a hilux some years back from japan and found a silky saw under the front seat......

a folding one ? iv had one fer years, razor sharp every time, even in the wet, unsure of the pole version, might give one a try on some fruit trees later in year...
A mate of mine found a bin bag full of... Lets call it broccoli.. In the boot of the disco he bought! He wisely returned it to its owner lol!
I must be so unlucky judging by some of these responses..

In my fiesta i found a note taped to an air canister, under the rear carpet where there once was a spare tyre.. It read

" Sorry Dad, will replace wheel on payday" guess he never did, bastid :mad:

On my First bike a cb400 sf i lifted the seat to find 4 wires held together with chewing gum. rather rank.. and a disk lock with no key.. :rolleyes:

Most recently the Landrover had maybe £5 - £6 in shrapnel.

Didn't find it, but the only good thing i can remember about cars was when i was 18 some years ago we went to buy my first car, a shoddy MK1 fiesta for £750, we gave the guy a deposit of £100, and came back to collect it the follwing weekend and paid up.

After we stopped to get fuel about 150 miles later, we had a nosy around whilst eating and we found a famillier envelope in the glove box !..
It was our £100 deposit lol...
Not owning mobile phones back then we couldn't do much about it so set it aside to see if the V5 turned up, when it did we sent him a cheque for it. The cheque was never cashed so we got a bit of deal ! :D

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