Matt Baxter

Active Member
All of us have bought 2nd hand cars,
so what have you found in them? Weirdest, funniest, strangest, best, worst?

For me just the usual ****e really found loads of unused condoms hidden around a calibra i bought to repair, the odd knife, and the odd tool and of course a bit of loose change

*robbed the idea off another forum I use
found a crap cordless drill with battery under the seat of a fourtrak... flogged it for a fiver at a boot sale.
My missus found a pair of knickers tucked down the passenger seat! Try explaining that one, I got a hell of a lot of grief!
Opal Fruits are always found under the back seat of any 2nd hand car.........I reckon they put them in on the assembly line.
i know it doesn't count but on the tool front i once took the dampeners off my old mini then putting them back on the ring spanner got stuck on the nut, i went to get a hammer to persuade it off and completely forgot about it. i then drove the car around for about 100 - 150 miles then went to do another job under the arch and the spanner was still there.

some idiot left a wheel in the boot of my car haha more fool him, i got 50 quid for it on ebay.
Friend of mine found a 12G shotgun, 250 rounds of ammo, a working chainsaw and around £50 in change.

All in the back of a 110!

I found mud, dirt and a pair of pants.
I found a tin if male stud spray for delayed ejaculation . In American corvet I was stripping out :eek: .I made offers to my work mates, no one was interested , I wonder why:)
in my old polo i found a bag of weed (was a druggies car) a load of coins and the normal condoms and more fag ends than should ever be in a car
We purchased a damaged Volvo from an insurance company and whilst repairing it found a .38 revolver fixed under the passenger seat. After we had all been messing with it the Police carefully put it in a plastic bag and Took it away for finger printing !!!
When i bought my landy I found a safety deposit box key, used 22shells, a green shirt & a stick with some paint on
found a diamond and ruby gold ring under the front ashtray of a hse i purchased some years ago
Found a torch in the headlight box of me Disco .. not a cheap one either .. ;)
found over 40 porn mags in mint condition under the seats of a 2nd hand maestro van id bought ..........mmmmm sam jessop :D:D:D

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