
Disco 2 2004 .Im going to include a link of a video of one of them croaking frog instruments as I can't think of anything else to compare too. Only thing I can think of that this sounds like.
It's every now and then when I come of the main road to a side track or something you get this. Like a 3-4 second brrrrrbbbbrrrrrrrrrbbbrrrrrrr

rbbrrrbbbbrrrrbbbbrrrrrrrrr. Noise from front of car. The only thing I can think of is that the steering or suspension is doing something cos it thinks I've lost control. Any ideas? Anyone know what I'm on about , I'm not sure I do ;) thanks
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The noise is the ABS kicking in. Quite sensitive. Happens often whenever a wheel gets a wee kick, like a kerb drop or a pothole. Not to worry about. Someone better than me will probably explain better.
Its a bit like the difference between Stoats & Weasels.
Weasel are weasily wecognised as Stoats are stoat-ally different. ;)
When it happens do you get a light on the instrument panel? Did you look?;)
Does sound like either TC or ABS, I'd plump for TC and when it happens the light stays on for quite a while. Totally normal, especially if you turn onto dust, or gravel or wet grass or any surface that is slightly slippery, fallen leaves?:):)

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