althou search and you will find comes into play, i've got 33/12.5/r15 which is 285/85/r16. you could get away with 265/75/r16 without to much trouble

Tosspot that's not a very informative answer now is it :boxing:

Next time you try to help the answer is

Do a search and fook off :p

So how is the body work cutting coming on to fit ya 33's
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Tosspot that's not a very informative answer now is it :boxing:

Next time you try to help the answer is

Do a search and fook off :p

So how is the body work cutting coming on to fit ya 33's

Its all done now and i know i fed the newbee but he looked so hungry lol.
Has anyone just bought a set of wheels and tyres and asked "what Landy can I get to fit these?!" It might save a lot of grief!!:)
hey when you have been here a little longer and have actually experienced some of the mind numbingly boring repetition of newbie silly arsed questions, then you have the right to even acknowledge me, until then shut the f*ck up d1ck head,

as for keyboard warrior, it seems to me you're the one picking fights online, I look forward to seeing you in anything goes my little poppet, until then why dont you wind your scrawny little neck in and stop being a complete f*cktard:emps1:

Like I said if the question was that boring it would have taken less effort for you to ignore it, but being the retard you obviously are, you haven't worked that out.

And then there's the internet threats, you obviously have some sort of complex, what is it it? Tiny dick? Short man syndrome? Or did mommy and daddy not show you enough love? Maybe daddy showed you too much love! Whichever it is I want you to know you can get help.
Like I said if the question was that boring it would have taken less effort for you to ignore it, but being the retard you obviously are, you haven't worked that out.

And then there's the internet threats, you obviously have some sort of complex, what is it it? Tiny dick? Short man syndrome? Or did mommy and daddy not show you enough love? Maybe daddy showed you too much love! Whichever it is I want you to know you can get help.


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