
Active Member
I'm talking here about the toolkit you carry in the car, not the big box of ancient junk in the garage.

I'll start off with:

Socket set
Torque wrench
Open jaw and ring spanners
Good quality adjustable
Decent set of screwdrivers.
Really big screwdriver

What else would you add?
AA/RAC/other rescue service phone number and membership number!
Spare mobile phone with full battery.

But seriously:
Spare fuses/bulbs
Length of wire (several) and connectors
Insulating tape
Mole grips
Gaffer tape
Bigger hammer
dizzytim .. he just dives in and seems to fix everything on the lanes before anyone else gets a chance, whoevers vehicle it is!!
1/2" drive socket set,
additional socket to suit end of radius/trailing arms
leccy tape
gaffa tape
ptfe tape
cable ties
various self tappers.
spare fuses, lamps, and crimp connectors.
couple of lengths of cable.
crimp pliers.
bigger hammer.
screwdrivers, one of each
big lever/screwdriver
breaker bar.
trolley jack
box spanner for bearings.
bag o spanners.
2 differing size of AJ.
molegrips x3
g clamp x2
probably a few other bits too that have migrated from the shed.

spares I carry
spare belt.
fuel filter
wheel bearing & seal
Lift Pump (recent addition)
engine oil
grease (copper & normal)
grease gun
penetrating oil
IPA (not sure how this has managed to stay in, but its been in there for a while now)
easy start (just in case)

Think thats the lot

nope, forgot.
Work lamp
Head torch
big maglite
^^^ :eek::eek: ...... and what happens if you need any space to carry lugguage or passengers? ;)

....anyway, I don't think you need anything in a toolkit ..... all you need is for your butler to follow you everywhere in your spare Range Rover and if anything happens to the one you are driving you take over the spare one and let your butler sort out the other one ......... or do some people not have butlers?? :eek:
Not forgetting a decent set of jump leads ..... and anything else you think you'll never ever use; it's guaranteed that if you leave it at home, that's the very day you'll need it.

Did anyone mention an even bigger 'ammer?
Journeys up to 100 miles:
Fire extinguisher
5L of water
Jump leads
Many cable ties
Halfords 150 piece socket set
Spare serpentine belt
Also, because they are in the toolbox and I happen to keep that in the car:
cipclip pliers
mole grips
normal pliers big and small
electrical connectors and crimps
assorted nuts, bolts, screws etc
electrical and duck tape
1 wheel bearing kit (could use a sharp screwdriver on the nuts and a ratchet as a hammer if needed)
other crap that has found a home in the toolbox.

Journeys over 100 miles:
All the above
52mm box socket
Engine oil
Spare power steering and water pumps
Hose clips

In all honesty, I've rarely used any of it on a journey. Socket set a couple of times to tighten things up, most of the time if it breaks down then it's very broken and I'll get free recovery home.
Nobody's said cold chisels yet. Hacksaws and spare blades too. Nut splitters. in addition to a multimeter, a cheap'n'cheerful circuit tester consisting of a tiny screwdriver with a bulb inside. Locking wheel nut remover. Big water pump pliers. Set of Allen keys.

As I've got a TD5 I tend to take my Nanocom fault code reader on longer trips too, as well as the cordless drill (and drills) and impact wrench.
Some more from mine

Disposable gloves (from petrol pump box)
Disposable boiler suite (packs very small)
Seat cover
Piece of tarpaulin
Small pot of Swarfega
Old hand towel
Needle nose pliers
Wind-up torch rather than replaceable batteries, or rechargeable in fag socket
Spare PAYG phone on different provider
Tyre pump
Tow rope

Any more?
cig lighter kettle and or small stove, selection of just add water (dont forget supermarket water rather than some crap from a stream for the engine) meals and drinks.
These also come in really handy on those ever more frequent and longer lasting (sorry can't do anything till the H&S man says OK) traffic jams.
Yeah, but having read your recent escapade Paul, you'll have the OP packing a wet suit and scuba kit too :rolleyes: :D
A blowtorch
Impact divers
Wd40 (biggest can possible)
Grease in a working decent gun
Suitable engine oil
Air pump
Some blue nylon rope and black nasty tape

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