the omega diesel also fits the range rover i believe. so if you can get a diesel shell and a cheao omega diesel then you can combine to make a good rangie!
Oh dear am really not sure what to get now guys... I have pretty much ruled out a P38 now, don't think I can afford a good one, am slowly ruling out the LPG V8 crowd as well unless someone can offer some great ideas about this?? So now I am thinking a disco or maybe a jap crap like a Trooper or something (boring but reliable) or maybe a jeep... had one b4 though and wasn;t overly impressed....

What does everyone think. Tell me which car and why if u could

Thanks again gang

if you want something more or less bomb proof get a landcruiser,every third world militia have them,and they are in a right state but they keep going
on your budget, a 300tdi disco!

i have a p38 2.5 dse auto and a 300tdi auto disco, both modified.
the p38 is a cracker to drive and got the gadgets etc and i have been lucky in finding a good 1..but the disco is also a good old truck and will just keep going and going and you can throw anything in them and parts are cheap and easy to maintain, would suit you better all round and loads to choose from on your budget..just look out for the rust!
if you want something more or less bomb proof get a landcruiser,every third world militia have them,and they are in a right state but they keep going
My thoughts exactly, that or a Hilux Surf Gen 3, i've had both and whilst they aint the most economical of forbys they run forever and very rarely go wrong. What you save on maintenance you can spend on fuel or beer!
oh well looks like the rangie is out for now then, might get one later as a toy. So think its prob gonna be a japanese machine now or maybe a disco if i can find a good one for me money.
hey fella,s £1700 would buy a mint classic 3900 v8 with lpg,go for it mate(check the car over properly),good luck!
Mmm its an option, but what do you guys think of a classic with an LPG conversion? Are they a good reliable machine to get? What about MPG on this thing is it any good? I am defo not gonna get a diesel range rover now and am seriously considering a trooper or shogun in diesel. Unless someone can convince me that an LPG classic is a good machine to go for and taht it will be relaible for me 700 round trip I have to do every month. remember I have 1700 to play with at the very most less if possible
For your money a 2.5 v6 manual omega would fit the bill.
Make sure the exhaust manifolds have had new gaskets-they all leak at 100,000 and it's engine out.
Timing belt and idlers.
Other than that the rocker box gaskets go and cause missfire.

Mate has had several and I've had one omega, ragged the hell out of them and 170000 miles plus before they die generally
get a p38 and enjoy it,ive spent a few bob about 170 quid on mine but then its 13 year last car was a impreza wrx and i spent 400 on that in 6 months and it was a pita.all cars have problems and the older ones have more but one thing its teaching me is my spanner skills,theres lots of info on the net to help you with any repairs aswell.
i wasnt too sure at first with the p38 running costs but now i love the thing,ive also got a 57 plate vectra sri and both me and her indoors prefer the rr,get one bought stick it sport mode nail the fooker and smile.

I am most defo not gonna get an omega need something much bigger that I can put large things into the back of, i would much much rather keep me jag than get an omega.
As far as the P38 goes they are pretty famous for having bad electrics, well from what the guys on here have been saying. What I really want to know is a Classic worth getting, it MUST have an LPG kit to make it worth while as I am doing quite a few miles per month. At the moment the trooper is still winning, nt to fussed about fast as i have a 1000cc motorbike in me garage :D

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