
New Member
Hi all, I have a section of the rear end that has gone a little rotten. If you open the rear tailgate door immediately after the bumper but before the door seal there is a panel which spans between the left and right rear wing, it has a plastic/rubber coating and is about an inch and a half wide. I presume this panel connects to the boot floor at some point. The boot floor is in good condition but this small panel is badly knackered.
My question is.... what is the panel called that i need to buy or better still what is the part number or an image or link to a website. I have a 96 300tdi. Please help. Many thanks.
hhhhmmmm that sounds difficult to replace and sounds like it's a big bit lol. thanks for your reply. is it expensive or is it better to patch it up?
never mind I have just found the panel I need, about 20 -25 plus VAT. all I need now is someone with a welder. thanks again.
before you commit to buying that part cut out the panel you think you need to replace and check the rest of the crossmember and i guarantee you will need to virtually replace the whole thing i'm in the process of replacing mine as one of the body mounts has gone and the other has had a patch at some time. i personally think its easier to cut out the whole rear crossmember and replace it. yrm do one for about £135 hope this helps you
Thx all, Just had another look and you are right the mounts underneath have had it as well. both seem knackered, may be why the rear door catches the bumper Knew something was up but with lack of funds I did't want to look. thanks for the advice all. Need to get my Credit card out, lol.
before you commit to buying that part cut out the panel you think you need to replace and check the rest of the crossmember and i guarantee you will need to virtually replace the whole thing i'm in the process of replacing mine as one of the body mounts has gone and the other has had a patch at some time. i personally think its easier to cut out the whole rear crossmember and replace it. yrm do one for about £135 hope this helps you
its certainly the way id do it if wanting to keep the vehicle
Thx all, Just had another look and you are right the mounts underneath have had it as well. both seem knackered, may be why the rear door catches the bumper Knew something was up but with lack of funds I did't want to look. thanks for the advice all. Need to get my Credit card out, lol.
door will be worn hinges ,they are adjustable but often too worn
Thx James. Yep was wanting to keep it for a few years yet a while.. Love messing with it's little niggles, Mrs calls it the ginger bit on the side, lol. Looked at the door hinges but didn't think they were adjustable, looking at them though there is some rusty deposits around the hinges. Is it the pins or the hinge itself?.
not necessarily - the rear body drops if the xmember and mounts have gone? check the rear chassis-to body packing rubbers.... is the vehicle lifted?
were hinges bolts to pillar ,if you loose the screws you can alter the position of door ,might need someone to hold other end of door and remove spare wheel ,ive done quite a few successfully but my own wouldnt adjust up as hinges were too worn ,ive only ever bougth hinges as complete items ,but ebay might have kits (pin and nylon bush )
no not lifted, totally standard. The x member and mounts have gone, together with that rear panel i described earlier. MOT in two months so one way or another i will get it sorted. Not confident enough with a grinder nor welder so will be paying somebody to do it for me. Thx again.
Thx all, shame really it's the only bad bit on the car. just put new rear springs and shocks on the rear cus it was saggy, rides great now, but now it seems some welding work needs to be done for the forthcoming MOT. To be honest I did notice all was not well when I was under it last week. Bodywork is beyond my abilities lol.
James I did try lifting hinges but as they did not budge I thought they were fixed. Perhaps need some weetabix and then try again. cheers.

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