and the dark green ones are the ones which are so tight, their arses squeak when they walk :D :D :D :D
:behindsofa: :bolt:


just maybe my dark green one sez I`m a retired bloke who aint got spare money falling out his arse!....

coz me pension is about as useful as a flat battery in my doosel on a cold day........:doh:

but I manage,
not yet got the beggin bowl out,

From what I've read on this forum, it's amazing any Land Rover owner has any spare money nowadays..............
Not really trying to justify my not donating, just trying to understand what motivates others to "blindly " donate. I donate to a Charity that helps deaf/blind kids because I know they "need" my cash. If Landyzone "needs" my cash I will donate.:rolleyes:

it does take a few bob to keep L/Z going you know crash,:jaw::p:D

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