
Well-Known Member
Ok so I've now got a 200tdi engine in my 90..

I fill in the v5 with the new engine number and send it off to the dvla?

and let my insurance know that it has a 200tdi lump in it

is that it all done?
Ok so I've now got a 200tdi engine in my 90..

I fill in the v5 with the new engine number and send it off to the dvla?

and let my insurance know that it has a 200tdi lump in it

is that it all done?

Basically, yes. Advise them of fuel type change if previously petrol. Dvla sometimes want to see receipt for engine as well now.
Ok so I've now got a 200tdi engine in my 90..

I fill in the v5 with the new engine number and send it off to the dvla?

It depends. Does your existing V5 have an engine number on, if not, and you have not changed fuel type or engine size, I would leave it. Mine did not have an engine number on and was previously a 2.5 NA Diesel, so I left as is.

and let my insurance know that it has a 200tdi lump in it


is that it all done?

Until it breaks again :)
We have a Disco 2 and all the V5 says is Land Rover,heavy oil,green and a chassis number and thats it.it was a right pain to get insured.
It depends. Does your existing V5 have an engine number on, if not, and you have not changed fuel type or engine size, I would leave it. Mine did not have an engine number on and was previously a 2.5 NA Diesel, so I left as is.


Until it breaks again :)

Personally, I would still want engine number on V5, as it is another identifier if stolen to prove it's yours if stripped.. It may also look a bit iffy if you ever have to sell it and have to explain to potential buyer that engine did not come from dodgy sources.
I have pics and record of the new engine number as well as receipt. My old engine did not even have a number on it because it was mod. Chassis number is correct, that's all that's one mine.
Oh, that explains the no engine number on V5 then! I did not know that about Mod engines though. Eeeh, you learn something every day eh?
I put the new engine number on on the form and the new v5 came back a couple of weeks later no problem. The insurance was no real problem as I was getting a new policy at the same time due to many other changes
i don't have receipt of new engine i brought the disco private, i have the green slip and possibly the logbook for the old car somewhere
Do you not have to take you landy to an indipedent garage to have the conversion looked at to verify what engine it is and comfirm the engine number as I had to do this when I did my s11a to 200tdi conversion a few years back ?
My engine swap was rejected by DVLA too.

They sent me a standard letter back (despite the massive pile of photos, donor receipt etc having been sent through) which stated I needed a letter from Land Rover or a qualified body such as RAC confirming the swap.

Fortunately there was a name and numbr for someone at DVLA. A short phone call later and all was sorted.
My engine swap was rejected by DVLA too.

They sent me a standard letter back (despite the massive pile of photos, donor receipt etc having been sent through) which stated I needed a letter from Land Rover or a qualified body such as RAC confirming the swap.

Fortunately there was a name and numbr for someone at DVLA. A short phone call later and all was sorted.

sounds like its going to be a mess around then again....

Ill send the logbook off and see what happens
So what do you do if like me you have bought a 110 with a SL35 engine conversion but the log book still lists it as 3500 petrol? I have operator manual for engine conversion and have spoken to company who did it to verify it was legit. Will I now have to get copies of receipts from them (if they will)?

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