Good company, nice views and scenery, banter with others in your group, stoppin for coffee and cake and photo shots, steady lanes with plenty to look at, tougher lanes that test your ability, bit of rain and mud. everyone pitchin in to help in recoveries... best recovery for me was steve999 .. sat at a junction in a small village, all 5 of us... havin chippies and a good laugh meetin new peeps... its nice to have one or 2 you already know in your group but its great to get to know the others... esp. when your all sat about waitin for somethin to be fixed. :D
I enjoy doing lanes where you have to actually use low range and diff lock - driving through a field on a track tends to bore me a bit if we do it too long. I enjoy doing bits of lanes that I wouldn't have been able to do before and I enjoy doing it with confidence and if I get it wrong, working out why and then getting it right next time

Love getting to places with amazing views and just stopping for a bit. Good news is who ever travels in my group inevitably gets a dozen or so pitstops, whether they like it or not, as I have a bladder the size of a pee on laning trips :eek:

Hate mud that just needs everyone getting towed/winched through it - find that a waste of the day ( one getting stuck once great fun...all getting stuck 2/3/4 times = tedious )

Love having a craic on the cb- when youre with people you know the banter flows back and forth- never fails to surprise me on trips with new bods or no cb how much i miss that aspect of the trips

I love the camaraderie after a long days laning ...pitching, beer, food and banter - as much as I enjoy the laning.....always feels a bit of an anti- climax ,going home at the end of a day's laning trip...much prefer weekend trips

Dislike night laning - lack of lights is primary cause but also i dont like not being able to judge height and size of tree branches near my roof and missing out on the scenery is missing out on a cracking aspect of laning
I like going to places few can get to by car, !


I remember doing some lanes in Wales stopping for a brew and having a Morris Minor come trundling past ten minutes later.

I like fairly long lanes not ones that are over in two minutes. Ooh er missus.

I used to own a J**p and always found it really amusing how most of the Land Rover crew wouldn't talk to you, but now I own a tratter I'll guess I'll be OK.
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So far in my very limited experience its the company, the challenge of seeing what your vehicle can do without being silly! ,going places you couldnt get to normally and the scenery :D
Theres also something pretty awesome about bezzing around in a convoy of landys!
"Last edited by blue beasty; Yesterday at 20:58. Reason: swearing" LOL!

Theres also something pretty awesome about bezzing around in a convoy of landys!

Although a farmer didn't think so did he Sue, early on in the day? The one who was on about maintaining the road etc. etc I assumed it was handled diplomatically? :)
"Last edited by blue beasty; Yesterday at 20:58. Reason: swearing" LOL!

Although a farmer didn't think so did he Sue, early on in the day? The one who was on about maintaining the road etc. etc I assumed it was handled diplomatically? :)

Thats why we were in two groups LOL

He just chose our group to have a moan to :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I don't think that lane is used much either. To be honest there is a better way onto it than his lane, although it is legal and on trailwise. Trouble is the landowner of the other one has blocked it with a large metal barrier :(
So far in my very limited experience its the company, the challenge of seeing what your vehicle can do without being silly! ,going places you couldnt get to normally and the scenery :D
Theres also something pretty awesome about bezzing around in a convoy of landys!

Agree 100% ...
Tis even funnier if your in a group of muddy LR's , going through the centre of a town ....and ( quelle horror!) your all birds ...get some right funny looks..:eek::D:D
I would love to do them lanes that PaulD has put on?
Like i said before i do like all sorts of lanes even if you have to fight your way down/up them.
I would lead if i had all the proper kit to do it like memory map along with tablet to use it on lol.
The reason i stay at the back is for if anyone brakes down or needs help to sort a route around things. Just means i get to use my brain which gets very little use lol
I would love to do them lanes that PaulD has put on?

If you mean the four lanes in this thread ..

The first is in North Yorks forests, second in Derbyshire, third in Wales and fourth in Lake District .. it'd be a long day to get 'em all in!

For me a good days laning consists of taking your time (there's no rush) to share great views with great company with no damage caused either to the rights of way used or to the vehicle.
I enjoy laning across mountain ridgelines and things like that with great views.

I prefer more technical stuff though rather than just bumpy tracks. I don't really think its a decent day out unless somebody gets properly stuck at less once :D

Suppose the fact that my 110 is pretty capable off road, I get bored easier on the tamer stuff.

My ideal weekend of laning would be a two day trip across mountains, forest and valleys to take in open mooreland, muddy rutted tracks through the woods that'll gaurantee somebody that gets stuck that'll need recovering and valleys then that have sections of driving along river-beds/up or down bits of step down waterfalls and things like that and camping overnight :)

One or two stops during a day for lunch and a few stops here and there for good photo ops is nice too!

I still don't mind the lighter stuff either though once there's good views and if there's lads with lesser capable vehicles or not as much experience its nice to be there to help them out or get them unstuck with mine

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