
Well-Known Member
I've done a few different types of trip now and have enjoyed them all :D:D We were talking yesterday about what sort of trip we enjoy and I just wondered what everyone thinks.

This is genuine research, honest :D, as I love planning trips and routes almost as much as doing the actual trip.

For example do you like a straight drive on the road to a group of lanes, do them, then drive home. I spend quite a bit of time finding lanes on the way to break the journey up, even if they would not be worth a trip out on their own.

Do you like a continuous trip with just a lunch (or breakdown) stop or lots of short stops for a coffee chat and look at the local scenery.

Are you happy to do rather boring lanes cause the views are fantastic, or does the whole thing have to be extreme, or something in between :eek:

Do you prefer to avoid civilisation altogether or like a coffee/toilet stop or two.

Are you happy to do some exploring on the way, I like "additions" which show on trailwise but I cant find any other information about :eek::eek::eek:

Thats all I can think of at the moment, I'm sure you can think of others :D:D:D
I like lanes all the way as road is boring and full of idiots lol.
It is better if you have to use your brain to work things out instead of follow the sheep in front easy stuff.
Also a mix of tight lanes and over grown ones plus the wide open one's too.
It also helps if you have a good set of people out with you.
As for toilet stops in towns is not really green laneing is it? You are suppose to be out as one with nature.
Stop have a dinner break carry on.
That is my way but others like diffrent so it is up to the group leader to sort that out.
I like lanes all the way as road is boring and full of idiots lol.
It is better if you have to use your brain to work things out instead of follow the sheep in front easy stuff.
Also a mix of tight lanes and over grown ones plus the wide open one's too.
It also helps if you have a good set of people out with you.
As for toilet stops in towns is not really green laneing is it? You are suppose to be out as one with nature.
Stop have a dinner break carry on.
That is my way but others like diffrent so it is up to the group leader to sort that out.

Sounds like you should be the leader Brian :D Whats your navigation like :D:D
I like a mix. I prefer more extreme lanes and technically challenging stuff, but also appreciate flat moorland tops lanes too ... especially when they have great views or are a means to an end, such as visiting a particular landmark for instance. Woodlands and Valleys are also normally great, I always try to drive lanes across contours!!

I love finding lanes that are rarely used .. these are rarely Byways these days, but more often they're UCR's that have fallen into disrepair and been 'forgotten' about by Highways Agency etc

What I really like is finding a quiet lane, as Davidsally and I did in Lake District, and just sit for a while to enjoy the peace and the views down the valley!

Mind, I also enjoy being balls-deep in mud ... ;)
It's awesome finding forgotten lanes, getting to the end then having a break to reflect of how fantastic and technical the lane was.
agree with everyone else.

I like the tight and technical like wales and the forgotten lanes are briliant, get a few like that in shrops that just dont get used and you can be the first down in months.

I also like the flat local lanes near my house as they remind me i can be in the relative peace and quiet in less tan 15 minutes. :)

I like a few stops for a brew and a chat. early start as well to get the most done.
I like going to places few can get to by car, enjoying a different perspective on scenery. Don't mind challenging, but not that enthused by hours of mudplugging or recovery-relay. Really enjoy the stops for tea and cake :D, but like BGB prefer an early start to get to the laning quickly.

The best laning trips are the ones where the groups are well mixed in terms of capabilities (so participants can learn stuff as well as be the source of amusement), have strong leaders who know the lanes well, where the CB chat is freeflowing and the photo ops are frequent!
Technical, forgotten lanes.

Did one in Wales with the north yours crew that was simply awesome, driving up waterfalls, metre deep axle twister, tight and technical driving loved it :)
OK as a laning noob here goes:-

Early-ish start is good, depending upon how far I have to drive to get to the initial start point. Road-lane-road-lane-road etc. is great and gives noobs like me a chance to "recover" from scrabbling up or down a lane, although if there's a group of lanes together then that's fine.

Taking in the views whilst stopping for a chat and a brew. Especially if tips and/or what to expect from the next lane is discussed. (I should really get a CB!). I tend to agree with sniffle - just going places where a normal car would get stuck is fun. I may yet go to a pay n play site, but even then it won't be to drown the Disco or get up to the transfer case in mud :D
I like going to places few can get to by car, enjoying a different perspective on scenery. Don't mind challenging, but not that enthused by hours of mudplugging or recovery-relay. Really enjoy the stops for tea and cake :D, but like BGB prefer an early start to get to the laning quickly.

The best laning trips are the ones where the groups are well mixed in terms of capabilities (so participants can learn stuff as well as be the source of amusement), have strong leaders who know the lanes well, where the CB chat is freeflowing and the photo ops are frequent!

i'll also add from my point of veiw, laning with a purpose.
ie, recovery, or getting equipment to a location.
We do trips which are fairly easy , non scratchy great views for some of the newer people who come along or inexperienced

we also do trips for better equipped trucks with guys who have lot more experience

But in general even the basic lane runs we get guys out with the well modded trucks simply because we just enjoy greenlaning even if its flat and easy and they dont need to use their lockers.

What else makes a good trip is no bell ends who see the first bit of mud off piste and drive straight into it. Only ever had that once with one dick head who we had to recover. He never came out again with us.

Also aggro free trip where we dont go head to head with ****ed off farmers or landowners

and finally a trip where no one breaks down :D
I don't mind boring lanes if they lead to great views ...
I don't mind technical lanes as long as those who are leading are confident of getting themselves ( and me) through ..i do get a bit stressy and panic if I think I'm not in control of the vehicle and i doubt my own ability ...
Good company is essential and all the guys and gals I've met on the trips we've done have be lovely - yes that's everyone!
And stopping for brews/cakes and pees is good too..:D

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